𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 (𝙿𝚝. 22)

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Gonta, eventually, found everyone and rounded them up in the back yard. "Hello, friends! Jataro and Gonta hope you all enjoy party and we glad you came!" Gonta smiled, looking up at the little boy on his shoulders. "Awe, ofcourse we will, Gonta! So, what are we doing first?" Kaede asked, approaching Gonta with her hands clasped behind her back.

Gonta's smile only seemed to widen tenfold as she asked. "It was highly requested that us play Spin the Bottle and 7 minutes in heaven! Gonta think it sound fun!" Kaede nodded, turning to the group. "You heard him, people! Everyone in the living room!" Without a single word, everyone rushed into the house. Well- they all tried to fit.

-Time Skip To After They Get The Game Ready-

"Okay, I guess I'm first, huh?" Rantaro chuckled, taking the empty bottle from the ground. He spinned the bottle, it landed on Himiko. He hesitantly gave Himiko a peck on the cheek. "Nyeh, so it's my turn?" Himiko asked, taking the bottle from Rantaro. If Rantaro didn't feel it, everyone else sure as hell do, judging by how quickly they scooted away from Tenko and Rantaro. Tenko...was pissed.

Himiko spun the bottle, it landed on Sakura. "Erm...S-sakura-chan..." The mage mumbled, looking up at the tall woman. Sakura chuckled, leaning forward a bit. Himiko moved her bangs a bit and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

The game went on, not much noteworthy happen. Well, not to Kokichi, anyway. If anybody's bottle did land on Kokichi, they blew it away from him. "Hey, it landed on Kokichi!" This brought Kokichi from his horrid thoughts. He looked up, being met with millions of eyes. All set on him. "Wait. Who am I kissing?" Kokichi asks boredly, yawning.

Kaito blinked at him, then diverted his eyes beside of him. Kokichi followed the eyes and it turned out that the one who had spun the bottle... was none other than Shuichi Saihara himself. Kokichi's eyes widened as he and Shuichi stared blankly at one another. Thankfully, Shuichi was the one who broke the continuous stare. "U-uh, It's okay...I w-wouldn't mind rolling again..." Shuichi stuttered, moving his hat a bit, as to where it was covering his face.

Kokichi clicks his tongue, shaking his head. Something felt...off, about Shuichi's reaction. You'd think that he'd be one to put another man's head on a silver platter in order to kiss Kokichi. "Oh, I'll take your turn, Shuichi!" Tsumugi smiled, waving her hand. Kokichi and Shuichi both flinched. Kokichi, for...reasons. And Shuichi? Quite...darker reasons.

Though both took notice of the others flinch. "U-um, ok-" "No. Shuichi and Kokichi have to be the one's to kiss. It is simply the rules of this game." Maki snapped, crossing her arms. For once, Kokichi felt...indebted to her. "Just kiss already, sheesh." Mahiru sighed, sinking further into Gonta's ginormous couch. "No, no, no. We mustn't make someone do something they are uncomfortable with." Tsumugi smiled... unnervingly, scooting closer to Kokichi.

Kokichi chuckled awkwardly, scooting further away from her. "To hell with it, you two! Just kiss!" Hiyoko scoffs, pushing Shuichi closer to Kokichi. "Um, okay, we're doing it...I guess." Shuichi mumbles, carefully inspecting Kokichi's reaction. "Just kiss." Tsumugi huffs, crossing her arms, plopping on the ground.

-Shuichi Pov-

I'm...not so sure about this...I mean... I'm not exactly complaining about the idea of kissing Ouma, but...Tsumugi. I don't want her to hurt either of us just for my selfish desires...'Is this a set up?' I ponder, examining Tsumugi's expression. It was a good mixture between 'do it and I'll cut your dick off' and 'I love yaoi, so do it'. Honestly, she confuses me...

I sigh, giving Ouma a quick peck on the cheek. "Sorry..." I mutter quickly in his ear, backing away just a fast. "Well, damn. I would have expected you two to make out here and now." Hajime sighs, combing his hands through Komaede's pale locks of hair. "We should move on to the next game. We have been playing this for roughly around an hour, in all fairness." Kiibo exclaims, having been the one to kiss the most people thus far.

Many others agreed, so, we began with Seven Minutes In Heaven.

-3rd Pov-

They started the game with Rantaro, since he was the one who started the last game. "Oh, wow." The bottle landed right in between Kokichi and Tsumugi. "Who does he go in with..?" Jataro, who was watching from the sidelines, asks, intrigued by the game. "I'm not sure." Chihiro mumbles, having also been watching from the sidelines.

The room fell into a very deep, and a very awkward silence. "So, um...skip?" Akane suggest, ploppig down in a bean bag chair, beside of Nekomaru. "Hold on, everyone! Ibuki has a very important announcement!" Everyone's heads turned to one side of the room, where Sonia, accompanied by Ibuki, stood.

Ibuki smiled, rubbing the back of her neck. "Y-yeah, very important." Ibuki stuttered, approaching Mikan, who sat beside Celestia.

Silently, everyone watched as Ibuki knelt down on one knee infront of the nurse. A few moments passed, then she pulled out a black box from her skirt pocket. She opened it, revealing an expensive looking ring. "M-Mikan Tsumiki...would you..m-marry me?" Ibuki stuttered, her face a noticeably bright shade of pink. Not a sound could be heard, except a few gasps.

Mikan placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes welled up with tears. "Ibuki-san..." She mumbled, only causing more amounts of anxiety to rush over the musician. "Y-yes!" Mikan squeaked, burying her face in her hands as she wiped away a few tears.

Suddenly, the room erupted into applause as Ibuki pulled Mikan into a very tight embrace. "My...why didn't you propose to me like that dear?" Celestia giggled, looking over at Toko. "Wha-?" "Congratulations. When's the wedding?" Celestia interrupted, clasping her hands together. "M-mom!" "Haha, my bad."


:3 -> :^ -> :) -> :") -> :"D -> :""""")

My moods and motivation creating this chapter.


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