𝙱𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝙿𝚝.5)

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Rantaro woke up early the next morning, which wasn't all that rare. Being one of the oldest siblings in the house had it's ups and downs, but he didn't mind all that much.

Rantaro snuck out of his bed, careful not to wake Kokichi in the process as he scurried out of his room down to the kitchen. 'Hmm, maybe some bacon or eggs? I'm pretty sure everyone here likes eggs..' Rantaro yawned, fighting back the urge to jump on the couch and go back to sleep.

In the end, Rantaro decided on omelets.

It was around 5:30 in the morning when he woke up and started moving around. So it was about 6 when the first person came down the stairs. Rantaro turned around to be met with Korekiyo setting at the dining table, his on the table as he slept peacefully.

Rantaro chuckles, turning back to the food, before footsteps approached from behind him. The steps got closer and closer until a pair of arms were wrapped around his torso.

He could see purple hair through the corner of his eye and in an instant he was calmed back down. "Mm what are..you making?" The sleepy boy behind him asks, peaking around the taller male. "Ah, not much, just omelets. Would you be so kind as to go wake the others, Ouma?" Rantaro asks, taking his frying pan off the eye.

Kokichi nods, unwrapping his arms to rub his eyes. Rantaro put the last omelette on it's respective plate as he made his way to the dining table with 2 plates. Almost as if on que, Kokichi came downstairs with the girls, except for Tenko.

Kirumi and the other 4 children sat down at the table. Rantaro handed out omelets, letting everyone eat, eventually Tenko came down, already dressed and quickly ate. Rantaro sighed as Tenko rushed out the front door, grabbing her coat off the coatrack beforehand. Kirumi and Rantaro finished their own food, before rushing the kids back upstairs to change, including the absolute child that was Korekiyo.

Kokichi sat at the table waiting on the others, he didn't change last night so he was already dressed. "Ouma, could you come up here for a moment!" Kirumi shouted from the top floor. "Comin!" Kokichi shouts, standing up and pushing his chair in as he runs upstairs.

"Where you atttt?" He hollers in the hall, "Ah, the bathroom, it is to the left of the stairs!" Kirumi shouts back as Kokichi slowly opens the door, walking in to see Kirumi and Rantaro smirking with clothes in their hands.

Kokichi reached for the door handle but much to his dismay, the door was shut and locked from the outside.

After a while twenty minutes of screaming, begging and much more Kirumi and Rantaro looked at each other with a thumbs up. Kokichi now wore an oversized checkered hoodie with a panta design in the middle, ripped blue jeans, a hat similar to Shuichi's, crescent moon earrings and sunglasses on top of his head.

The two siblings snickered as Kokichi fell to the floor, whining about how he looked emo. The door opened, allowing Kokichi his sweet freedom, or so he thought as he crawled towards the open door.

Due to Korekiyo's height, Kokichi slid right under him and stood up, running back downstairs. "Uh, Tojo, the kids are ready and the bus will be here shortly." Korekiyo reminds, getting a nod from Kirumi as Rantaro laughed quietly.

Soon enough, the three teens dropped the children off at the bus stop and then began walking towards Hope's Peak.

Once the three got to the gate, they were met with Kaede once again, Kokichi had a strange feeling that this was going to be a routine thing. Kaede began talking talking to Rantaro and Kirumi, not bothering to say a word to Kokichi accept for, "Goodmorning."

Kokichi rolled his eyes as he stormed into the building to see people gathered in a circle in the middle of the hall. Okay weirdo's. Tryna get the hell outta here, could you move your asses? Kokichi thought, pushing himself through the crowd.

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