𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚢? (𝙿𝚝.24)

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Ever so slowly, he began to stir in her arms, to the point of where he was looking at her but she couldn't quite see past his bangs. "Why- why does everyone hate me so much?"


It was a rather- unexpected- question, coming from the Ultimate Supreme Leader, atleast. "I- don't quite understand your question." Truthfully, she knew exactly what he had asked. But something- something deep down inside of her- was wishing- praying, even- that she had heard it wrong. "Tojo-chan. I know you heard me. I asked- Why does everyone hate me so much?"

She knew better than anyone how much Kokichi loved beating around the bush. So- why was he suddenly acting so sullen and depressed? She sighed, coming to the conclusion that- perhaps she may never know what was going on in the small leaders head. "Ouma-kun. I may not have the ability to speak for others, bit- I never hated you in the slightest. Infact, I was always attracted to you by your mysterious persona, believe it or not. While you may think that everyone dislikes you so highly, perhaps- maybe it's time to look ahead of the past. I may have not spoke to you much during our time in the Killing Game, but rest assured that I acknowledged you and all that you brought to our class in that hell hole. While everyone else, including our detective, were left clueless, you always seemed to have the answer for many things. And while you may have not showed it in the most subtle way, it was clear you cared for us, you just wished to be free from that nightmare, just as I did." The woman finished with a much needed huff of breath.

Kokichi, on the other hand, sat dumbfounded. Had someone- really found him out? And to beat it all, it wasn't even the detective that he dreamt about so very frequently. The detective he had grown to love and unintentionally attach himself too. "..Tojo-chan?" He mumbled, holding back the sudden urge to burst out in tears.

The maid hummed softly, stroking his upper back gently with the palm of her hand. "Do you think- Shuichi will ever be normal again?" He asked after a much hesitant pause. Quietly, but surely, she smiled, nodding her head. "I think- he just needs a bit of time to adapt to this new life. And while I may not understand his reason for a sudden change, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you, Ouma-kun. So, in other words, rest assured that our Shuichi will someday be back to his former glory. And when that happens, I want you promise me that you will follow your heart no matter what. Okay?"

Kokichi's small smile quickly escaped his grasp. Follow...his heart? But...he had always been one to avoid everything about his true self, in order to build a wall around himself for his own protection. 'Wait- I've been going this entire time completely unprepared.' He realized, thinking of how he'd acted so- so soft around Rantaro. 'God, he must be disgusted.' Kokichi internally cringed at the single thought of making Rantaro Amami of all people disgusted at his behavior.

Suddenly, he thought of what he was doing currently. Quickly, he jumped out of the maid's arms. "Ni-shi-shi~! Okay, Tojo-chan!" He grinned, placing his hands behind his head.

And even as the boy grinned and the maid smiled, both could clearly tell how sugar coated that had been. Kokichi hadn't acted like that since after the game, and Kirumi knew that after the Ultimate Supreme Leader worked so damn hard to push everyone away, that he wouldn't just do something because she had asked him to do so. But regardless, they left it at that for the time being.

--- -- - -- ---

-𝙺𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝙿𝚘𝚟-

It had been nearly three hours since the Ultimate Maid had left, and still yet, Kokichi still couldn't get that damned detective off his mind. Out of all the thoughts he could have been having. Fuck, he'd probably rather deal with having a nightmare about pig feet, instead of having to think about that emo detective. "That piece of shit can't give nobody the time of day, can he?" Kokichi groaned, plopping down on his bed.

Uncertain of what to do, he grabbed his TV remote and clicked aimlessly through the channels. Anything. And I mean ANYTHING to get his mind off of Shuichi would be more than enough for him at the moment. \"Saihara Fragrance~/. Honestly, maybe going outside wouldn't be such a bad option.

He turned the TV off, making his way downstairs. "N-no way! Did she r-really?" He stopped in his tracks as he neared his sister's room. 'Hn. Didn't see Mikan as much of a gossiper.' He raised his brows in slight amusement, ready to hear what the nurse and her fiance had been talking about. "Oi, Ibuki doesn't tell fibs! Plus, she saw it with her own two eyes! Tsumugi totally threatened Shuichi after the party the other night!" Now that was not what he had been expecting.

Quietly, he tiptoed past the room. 'What could those two have possibly- Wait a damn second.'











Heyy, sorry for the short chapters- T-T But seriously. I am really struggling to finish this book, but I'm trying, otherwise all your guys' support would go to waste.

As always, I love you all! <3


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