𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢 (𝙿𝚝.17)

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I stayed overnight again, which was somewhat enjoyable. We played small games together, such as hide and seek or tag. Rantaro teased his siblings with avocados again, which adorably enough ended with him being tackled to the ground in a fit of laughter. It was nice hearing him laugh. Comforting, if you will. Korekiyo and Tenko made snacks for everyone, though Korekiyo's food wasn't all that good, nobody had the heart to tell him so.

We had milkshakes too that Kirumom made when she got back from school. She also brought Angie and Himiko with her for a group project they said Ms.Yukizome gave to the class. I wasn't jealous. Nope. Not at all. Just disappointed I didn't have her as a teacher, that's all. But the highlight of the whole shit storm was watching Angie relentlessly flirt with an oblivious Himiko. Fucking hilarious, if you ask me.

"God so help me, Kokichi, if you have been confusing the L and T brackets this whole time." Oh, yeah, I was helping Rantaro fix a bookshelf- "Guys, I am missing some pieces. Also, Kokichi, t
I need the T brackets." I sigh, handing Kirumi the piece. "Kokichi." "Yes?" "This is a L bracket..." Kirumi gave me a sympathetic look, looking up to the jacked off avocado. "That's it. Tenko, take Kokichi home, I can't handle his stupidity!" My mouth dropped as Rantaro dropped his pieces, walking off.





"I can take him home. She is in the shower." I let out a breath of relief, knowing Kiyo might not kill me for breathing the same air as him. "Ah,okay. There is an umbrella by the front door, it is raining oncemore so please do use it." Kirumi smiles, standing up, patting her dress down. "I will be on my way. Thank you for your help, Ouma." I nod as Kirumi walks out of the room, leaving me and the Sanderson brother alone.

-3rd Pov-

Korekiyo extends a hand to Kokichi, which he was reluctant to take, but did so anyway. He was hauled up to his feet, without so much as another word, Korekiyo left the room. "The hell? What'd I do?" Kokichi pouts, puffing one cheek out as he follows behind Korekiyo.

Kokichi took the umbrella, and the two left. While they walked, Kokichi noticed how much distance Korekiyo had been keeping between them. "Korekiyo. If you want to get soaked in fucking water, you can. But just know that I won't be the one taking care of your sick ass." Kokichi hisses, staring up at the taller. "Apologies, but I cannot fit under the umbrella. You are quite..small." Korekiyo finished, letting out a huff of laughter.

Confused, Kokichi stopped walking, crossing his arms. "Hell's that supposed to mean?" Korekiyo sighs, snatching the umbrella from Kokichi's hands, holding it up. "There is a large height difference between us, surely you understand that much." Kokichi rolls his eyes, nodding as he inches closer to the other, surprisingly, the umbrella was a perfect fit for the two.

The two walked in a more comforting silence until they got to Kokichi's home. His family home, ofcourse. "Hey, Kokichi!" The two turn their heads, seeing Kaede running towards them. "Ugh, what Mamamatsu?" Kokichi groans, ruffling his hair. "Um, you called for me to come to your house." Kaede says confusedly, titling her head slightly as she got closer to the two males.

Korekiyo and Kokichi glanced at eachother, both sharing a confused look, they then looked back to Kaede. "If I may. Kokichi was at my house and he hadn't even his phone while being there. Speaking of which, here is your phone." Korekiyo chuckles, rustling through his pocket, pulling out Kokichi's phone, dropping it in his hand.

Kaede sighs, "Then who called me? I tried to come as soon as possible, so I had to leave the kids with Natsumi. Believe me, she was not happy about it. Apparently, pregnant women are more grumpy than anything." Kaede grumbled, obviously pissed. "Allow me your phone?" Korekiyo suggested, holding his arm out. Kaede shrugs, handing him the unlocked phone.

After a few minutes of scrolling and typing, Korekiyo handed her her phone back. "Behind me, please." Korekiyo whispered, confusing the two. Kokichi and Kaede look at eachother, Kaede shrugs, moving behind Korekiyo. Kokichi followed, though he peaked out from around him. On que, a shotput ball dropped onto the ground, breaking.

Kaede's eyes instantly widened as she looked to the shotput ball, then to the roof railing it had fallen from. On the roof was a silhouette of a figure, who stared back at the three before running off to who knows where. "W-what was that?" Kaede stutters, looking up at Korekiyo. "That was Shuichi Saihara, or in this case, 'Kokichi'." Korekiyo sighs, turning on his heel to the two.

Korekiyo and Kaede locked eyes, seeming like they were having a wordless conversation. "Shuichi...tried to kill Kaede? But..why?" Kokichi muttered, making both of the twos attention to be immediately casted to him. Korekiyo's upset expression changed into a soft expression as he leaned over, giving Kokichi a hug.

Kokichi quickly hugged him back. "He's going this because I'm getting close to Kokichi, isn't he? Fucking yandere." Kaede scoffs, crossing get arms infront of her chest. Korekiyo backed away from Kokichi, nodding. "Indeed. But he's certainly a coward, for a yandere anyways." Korekiyo attempted to lighten the mood, which proved to be successful as Kokichi began laughing.

Kaede uncrossed her arms, a small smile on her face as she laughed along with him. "We should probably get the shotput up, boys. Before someone trips over it." Kaede points out, pointing to the ball that sat on the dark ground.

Korekiyo nods, then Kaede continued to turn her phone flashlight on, approaching the ball. "Wait- Didn't two shotput balls get used in the-" In the flick of a wrist, Kaede was pushed to the ground. Kaede groaned, blinking a few times. Kokichi had pushed her out of the way. Which meant- "She hurriedly sat up, tears forming in her eyes.

There was Kokichi. Only... different. He wasn't making a single cocky statement, not even a sound for that matter. He had been struck with the shotput. "That asshole is trying to kill us the way we died in the game!" Kaede exclaimed, trembling as she crawled across the yard to Kokichi's side where Korekiyo had been aswell.

The two moved with haste as they ushered the small leader into the house. Thankfully, it hadn't hit his head. Instead, it hit his shoulder.

Both Kokichi and Shuichi would be feeling this one tomorrow....


Guess who's hereeeee :D I got y'all another chapter, enjoyyyy! Love y'all, try and have a good day/night!

-P.S., sorry if it's short and bad- it was rushed last minute- T-T


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