𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 (𝙿𝚝.10)

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Korekiyo groaned as he opened his eyes, falling out of a locker. He rubbed his head, looking around before jumping up, his eyes widening at the dangerously familiar classroom.

He felt his heart start racing at an unsettling pace. His breathing began to get shaky as he placed his hands over his chest where his heart sat inside of his chest.

He looked around, the door to the room being pushed open. "Korekiyo!" A familiar voice shouts, rushing to his side. He couldn't nor was he focused d
on the person at the moment, he was too focused on trying to breath correctly.

The person sat him in one of the nearby chairs before running out of the classroom, returning with more students. He heard the same person continue shouting at him, though their voice was inaudible at this point.

He looked around one last time, trying to find one person in particular. He searched through the classmates, his eyes landing on one boy in particular. Kokichi Ouma. He stood up, reaching one arm out as he wobbled towards the figure.

As he expected the other would, he caught Korekiyo in his arms. "K..ko..koki..chi!" He managed to stutter, his arms around the others waist as his felt his legs quit beneath him, dropping to the ground.

That was the last thing he recalled before passing out.


Shuichi's eyes fluttered open as he let out a groan, rubbing his head. He looked around, the room was all too familiar to him. It was his dorm. He let out an exasperated sigh, throwing his blanket off himself.

He stood up yawning and stretching. He looked around before deciding to look around the hellhole he used to be in. He exited his dorm room, shoving his hands in his pockets as he did so.

He ended up looking around for a short time until he ran into Gonta, Kiibo and Ryoma. "Hello friend Shuichi!" Gonta waved, smiling brightly at the detective. Shuichi felt himself smile, at least they made Gonta the same, he thought as he nodded as a form of greeting.

Kiibo looked Shuichi up and down while making a whirring sound. The sound stopped soon enough and he raised a brow at the boy. "Shuichi, I fail to recognize your clothing. Has Monokuma given you new clothing?" Kiibo asks, placing his robo hands on his hips.

Shuichi looked down, noticing he was still wearing what he had been forced into the the game by the other male. Is that asshole here? I need to give him a good beating. Shuichi thought, shrugging in response to the robots question. "I see. Well, have you seen Korekiyo or Kokichi? I haven't saw Korekiyo all morning and Kokichi was last seen by Kirumi by the hanger." Kiibo explained, Shuichi grabbed the boys shoulder, shocking him.

Shuichi however had a bad feeling about Kokichi even being near the hanger. "Kiibo. Answer me truthfully. How long have we been here?" Shuichi asks in a cold time of voice. Kiibo looking at the ground, seeming to be in thought, judging by how his ahoge always fell when his was gathering all the facts.

His ahoge poked up straight, he looks up at Shuichi and smiles. "We have been here for exactly a day. Why do you ask, Shuichi?" Kiibo questions as Shuichi lets out a sigh, retracting his arms. "Gonta would like know as well!" Gonta smiled goofily, as per usual.

Shuichi smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing. I'll be on my way now." With that he walked past the three- "Ah," He grabs Ryoma's arm, getting his attention, aswell as the others. "Ryoma. Try to be happy, if someone tries to kill you, please fight back." Ryoma looked confused but reluctantly nodded. "Got it man. Thanks... I guess." Ryoma pulled his beanie down to cover his eyes.

Shuichi nodded as he skipped away. Why did he do that? For Kokichi's sake of course! Shuichi recalled how Kokichi saw Ryoma as a father figure, so he had to do something.

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