𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 (𝙿𝚝.12)

99 2 19

Tw: Homophobia

Kokichi held his hands tighter against his mouth, squeezing his eyes as closed as they could possibly go. "Ouma~? Are you in there~?" Shuichi cooes, opening the doors slowly, peeking inside.

Kokichi's blood went cold as he sat as still as a porcelain doll. "Hm, weird. I could have sworn I saw my beloved in here." He heard a sigh escape the others lips as he walked away.

Kokichi decided it was best to stay in place for a minute or so, just incase it was a trap. "Shuichi!" An unknown voice shouted, followed by a bang and a thud. "Fucking psycho degenerate." Kokichi opened his eyes as he felt a glimmer of hope.

He quickly pushed the doors open, looking around As he thought, he saw Tenko. Kokichi felt some tears prickle at the corner of his eyes as the girl stood in front of the closet in her aikido fighting position.

The glanced down to Kokichi, who was on his knees inside the closet, staring at her with tears. 'Fuck, this is not the time to be adorable, Kokichi!' Tenko's face flushed as she whipped her head back around to Nagito, who was taping Shuichi to the ground.

A small groan was heard from the other side eof the apartment. They all turned there heads, seeing Rantaro and Korekiyo. The groan probably coming from thr latter of the two. "Why would such a weak human continue to act so tough just to be beat?" Korekiyo mumbles, his arms crossed over his chest.

Rantaro nods in agreement, leaning against the doorframe. "Korekiyo. Beat his ass or I will." Nagito smiles, having the same lollipop swirls in his eyes as Shuichi had. Nagito turned his head back to Shuichi, who was taped to the ground. "I will turn your house to ashes, Saihara." Nagito smiles warmly as his skips out of the apartment.

The kids watched him in disbelief as he acted liked a damn child. Rantaro had a front seat to watch as Nagito walked off the edge of the balcony, landing in a bush underneath.

Rantaro looked back to Kokichi, who shrugged. "I am honestly surprised your brother is even still alive." Shuichi spoke, getting a nod of agreement from Kokichi. "Same. Fucking same."

Okay okay, back to the story.

Korekiyo walks across the apartment to Shuichi, placing on of his feet on his wrist. "Don't you dare, you fre-" Korekiyo raises his leg a bit, kicking it down as hard as could. "AGH, DAMNIT! THAT SHIT HURTS!" Shuichi yells, squirming around one the tape.

Korekiyo shrugs it off, moving to his other wrist, doing the same. "YOU FUCKING MORON, STOP! GODDAMNIT, I GET IT!" Shuichi shouts, struggling in the red tape, which was surprisingly hard to get out of.

Rantaro and Tenkow atcye din surprise, though Kokichi sort of expected Korekiyo to be this strong. He did manage to kill Tenko, after all. Kokichi turns his head, looking at the wide eyed Tenko. "You do remember that he managed to kill you, right? How are you still surprised?" Kokichi asks the girl blankly, to which she shakes her head. "No, I just forgot how painful it felt for a while...I see how. Damn, Kiyo." Tenko spoke, hugging herself. "Got deja vu." She giggles, watching as Korekiyo knelt down beside Shuichi.

"Wait, Korekiyo, no!" Shuichi squeaked as Korekiyo grabbed his wrist, holding it up. He grabbed ahold of Shuichi's index finger, bending it backwards until a crack was heard, repeating the same with his thumb.

Rantaro was enjoying it, yes, but he had to stop Korekiyo before he actually decided to kill Shuichi. Rantaro steps forward, grabbing Korekiyo's wrist, getting his attention. "Yes?" The male batted his eyelashes innocently, giving both his sister and Kokichi chills.

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