𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚗, 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚜 (𝙿𝚝.26)

21 1 0

TW: Very vulgar language

After school, Kokichi decided it was best to head home and give the whole going to Shuichi's house some thought. "Kokichi, you have a visitor!" Fuck. Kokichi groans, throwing his bed covers to the side. He tossed his feet over the edge of the bed, before trudging to and out his bedroom door.

As he had though, at his front door stood none other than Shuichi Saihara, himself. "Long time no see, huh, Shumai?" His grinned mischievously, putting his hands behind his head. "But we just-" "That was sarcasm. What do you want?"

Shuichi sighs, reaching into his over the shoulder pouch, pulling out Nepolu Camera (Made up). "What is that suppose to be for? Fuck face (Mahiru) isn't here." Kokichi played back his mind through his lips, staring intensively at the already nervous male infront of him. "N-no, it's the footage. I figured you'd be sulking in bed, overthinking the whole thing, so, I decided t-to bring it to you." Kokichi noticed the slight change in Shuichi's stuttering, which probably meant someone had a 'reassuring' conversation with Shuichi, for him to even grow the balls to go there. Welp, too bad Kokichi already knew what to expect.

Kokichi shrugged. "Shuichi, I know what I saw. You don't think I'm that fucking dumb, do you? I saw you outside my apartment, inside my apartment, and even that fucking wack job (Korekiyo) saw you at Mom's house. You can't fucking lie to m-" "Hey, what's going on in here?" The two turned their heads to the kitchen doorway, where Nagito now stood.

Though instead of instantly pouncing at Shuichi, as Kokichi expected, he seemed to calm at the mere sight of him. "Oh, hey Shuichi. How are you?" He smiled, giving a small wave. Shuichi nodded once, "I'm good, t-thank you for asking, Komaede-kun." Shuichi smiled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Meanwhile, Kokichi stood between the two, confused as fuck. So, ever so quickly, he grabbed Shuichi's wrist again and drug him upstairs, in the direction of his room. "O-Ouma-kun?" Shuichi stuttered, trying to peek around Kokichi's head to look at his facial expression. Kokichi, having known Shuichi was good at reading expressions, hid his face behind his bangs on purpose.

Shuichi gulped down his nervousness and followed Kokichi willingly.


The two sat silently in the room, on Kokichi's already messed up bed as Shuichi got his Nekoma computer out of his bag. "Could you hurry up, my beloved?" Shuichi, not wanting to piss the already mad boy even more upset, picked up his pace to get the computer set up. "H-here." Shuichi stuttered, putting the USB into the computer, passing the computer to Kokichi.

With even the smallest glimmer of hope, Kokichi watched the video play back of the tragic night that all of the bullshit had started.


The house was nearly silent, all except the clicking of buttons and the typing on both of the detectives' keyboards. "Shuichi. Could you make me a cup of coffee, please?" Kirigiri said boredly, glancing at the raven detective that sat beside her with a similar computer, typing his heart away.

Shuichi nodded, stepping up form his seat, walking to the kitchen and making the coffee, then passing it onto its drinker before returning to doing his job.

A few hours passed by before a single sound was made. "Hey, Mom! Can I go over to Kaede's tonight?" Tsumugi asked cheerfully, poking her head into the room. Kirigiri glanced up from her computer to the girl, then back to the computer. "Sure. What's that bag for, though? Are you sleeping over?" She asked monotonously, a slight hint of curiosity lingering somewhere in her voice.

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