𝙵𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 (𝙿𝚝.4)

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Kokichi looks up at Rantaro, before tilting his head to the side, smirking. "Awww, is Rantaro worried about lil ol' me?~" Kokichi chuckles, putting his hands behind his head.

Rantaro scoffs, crossing his arms as he looks away. "Kokichi, be serious!" Angie reminds the boy, crossing her arms as well. Kokichi knew damn well that the others knew his true self, but hey. He's a liar, is he not? What would be the difference if he were to tell the others that it was all just a big lie?

The four students stood in silence, before it was broken by a loud shriek. "Agh, Shuichi, damni-, I mean darn it!" Kaede steps to the side as Shuichi runs past her, Tenko following not far behind. Rantaro and Angie watch the two blankly as they run around like children in an amusement park.

Korekiyo watches the four, until he finally had enough of their shenanigans. He waits until Shuichi passes him, before he grabs the back of the males shirt collar. "Agh, damn you, Korekiyo, I had him!" Tenko pouts, crossing her arms as she looks away.

Korekiyo rolls his eyes as Shuichi stands up, glaring at Korekiyo. "I do believe you have footage and or photographs of Kokichi. Though, I don't recall him giving you permission." Korekiyo smiles eerily, though you couldn't see it through his mask, you could feel the aura. Shuichi raised a brow, placing one hand on his hips, the other falling to his side. "So?" "So, give it back to him." Korekiyo speaks quietly, but loud enough to be able to hear him.

Shuichi shrugs, taking the camera strap off of himself, giving the camera to Korekiyo as he begins to walk off in the opposite direction.

Angie's jaw drops, "Atua says that was far to easy and Angie agrees with him." Angie mumbles, a bad feeling in her gut. Rantaro holds his hand out, which Korekiyo reluctantly hands him the camera. Rantaro inspects the camera, before sighing and throwing it to the ground.

"Tenko, get him. It was a decoy." Rantaro growls, Tenko groans, before going back to chasing Shuichi. Rantaro looks down to Kokichi, who was watching the scene unfold. "Oh, yeah, Kokichi. We still have yet to hangout! But since it's late, we could probably go to my house. Lord only knows what else weirdo over there will try to pull." Rantaro smiles down at Kokichi, getting a shrug.

Rantaro nods, looking back to the childish teens, shoving his hands in his pockets to watch the show.

After almost 10 minutes later, Shuichi was on the ground. Though it wasn't thanks to Tenko completely. To be precise, Tenko chased him, Angie tripped him and Korekiyo held him down whilst Himiko got the actual camera.

Himiko handed the camera to Kokichi. "Huh?" Kokichi turned his head to look up at Rantaro, who looked calm, way too calm. "The pictures were taken without your consent, therefore, nobody deserves to look at them, aside form you Ouma." Rantaro smiles, partting the purplette on his back as he heads towards the main doors.

Kokichi pov:

I watch him as he nonchalantly walks towards the main door, his hands in his pockets. 'I fucking envy him-.' I chuckle, glancing down at Shuichi, smiling as I wave. "Bye bye, Saihara-chan~!" I smirk, wrapping the camera strap around me.

I walk to Rantaro,"Come on, ladies. It's already half and hour past time to leave." Rantaro laughs, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "You know, Kokichi. I think those four make a pretty good team, what do you think?" He whispers to me, to which I have to stop myself from laughing.

Unfortunately, I failed, but so did Rantaro. I heard a gasp, followed by Rantaro being hit in the back of the head. "I'll have you know that Kork here isn't a woman, you degenerate male!" Tenko hisses, following a good distance away from Rantaro and I.

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