𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚝.18)

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"Ow, ow, ow! Stop, you bitch!" Kokichi hisses, flinching at the alcohol covered cotton ball placed on his shoulder. "Kokichi, I don't mean to be insensitive but....you're arm is literally in pieces and you're worried about a cotton ball!" Kirumi shouts, squeezing his wrist tighter, swatting his other hand back away from his shoulder. "I'm telling you that it was Shuichi! He's lost his damn marbles!" Kaede let's out an exasperated groan, flapping her arms up and down.

Mahiru sighs, "Saihara-chan would do no such thing, Akamatsu-chan..." The redhead had been listening to Kaede's whining all night, and frankly, she was very tired. "I, too, saw Shuichi on the roof with a shotput ball in-hand." Korekiyo adds, agreeing with the blondes previous testimony. "Hey, guys, Amami-kun is here." Chiaki mutters, popping her head into Kokichi's room.

Kirumi nodded, throwing her cotton ball away, only to grab a rag, then squirt a handful of alcohol on that, aswell. "Please have my dearest Rantaro help me, Mom has gone terribly insane~!" He whined, his eyes nearly going as wide as saucers when he saw how much alcohol the maid was squirting on the rag.

Chiaki rolled her eyes, leaving the room. "Kokichi. I will need you to hold very still, okay?" The woman smiled, inching the cloth closer to the purplette's skin. "Don't make me hold you again, Ouma-kun." Mahiru said assertively, holding Kaede close to her, with her hand held very firmly over her mouth. "Got it, Ms.Flatso." Kokichi smiled, though it was immediately wiped away from him as soon as Kirumi placed the cloth on his shoulder.

-Rantaro 3rd Pov-

Tojo texted me nearly an hour ago that she needed help at Ouma's house, and to bring more alcohol...which was...unnerving..at the very least. "Some Marlboro shorts, please." I sigh, knowing that today, was about to be a long day. I got my cigarettes and checked the rest of my supplies and snacks out at the checkout counter.

I got Ouma a bottle of Panta, and made some onigiri prior to my run to the store. I sigh, getting my bags, walking to the car parked outside the store. "Hey, Rantaro! Is that you, man?" I turn, to which I saw a familiar and yet... unfamiliar face. "Hey, Kaito. How you doin?" I ask, turning from the car. "Good-, hey, what's up with all the bags and stuff?" He asks, slowing his pace down as he got closer, until he, eventually, came to a stop.

I shrug, "I just went shopping-..oh, yeah. Shit. Sorry, I can't talk right now. Kokichi is-" 'Wait- are he and Kokichi on good terms right now...?' "Hey. Rantaro. What about Kokichi?" He asks, seeming calm, at the very least. "Um. N-nothing. Nevermind." I shrug, looking off into the distance, rubbing the back of my neck.

Thankfully, Kaito was one to drop something if somebody seemed uncomfortable speaking about it, so- "Ah, okay. Well, just tell the little munchkin thanks for taking me to the hospital. Hell, if he decided to act like the bastard he was in the killing game then I'd be dead right now."  I nod, having heard about this from Tenko.

-Flashback, before I forget-

"Scrub harder, you degenerate male!" Rantaro scoffs, continuing to scrub the other ultimes back with the bleach covered loofah. "Why am I doing this again? Can't you just have Kore-" "NO." Rantaro sighs, moving the loofah up to her shoulders. "Care to tell em why I'm doing this? All you told me was because of Kaito." Tenko groans, "I had to help Kokichi carry that other degenerate male down the hallway, the idiots fought or something and he ended up coughing up blood and all that gory shit!" He flinched at the mention of 'blood', because..well..you know.

Though he did nod. "Can't blame Kokichi for what he did though. Kaito is hella annoying." "Is Kaito really that annoying?" "Kaito killed Ko-" "Yeah, I see where you're coming from with that." Tenko grunted in response. "He ended up getting taken to the hospital, ain't heard from him since." I nod. "Is-" "Hurry up, please. I need to use the bathroom."

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