𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙 (𝙿𝚝.13)

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Kokichi's face heated up as he looked to the ground, fiddling with his shirt sleeve nervously. "Psst, Degenerate! Are you okay with this?" Tenko asks, elbowing Kokichi gently.

Kokichi looks up at Tenko, giving her a small shrug. "Hm. Now that I think about it. Have you ever kissed someone?" Rantaro whispered, cutting into the conversation.

Kokichi's face turned beet red, before smirking. "Ofcourseee the ultimate supreme leader has kissed before!" Kokichi plastered his in-game smirk for all to see as he whispered. Korekiyo raised a brow, "I apologize for being nosey, but I hardly think that they asked such question. They asked if you kissed before not the ultimate supreme leader." Korekiyo spoke, getting a nod from Tenko in agreement.

Kokichi puffed his cheeks out, crossing his arms as he looked the other way. "No. I haven't." He grumbles, emitting a small laugh from Rantaro. "Don't worry so much, just do what feels right." Rantaro smiles, grabbing both of the boys hands.

Ofcourse, Toko, their mother was watching. "Hey, I wanna go first!" Tenko mumbles, snatching one of Kokichi's hands from Rantaro. Rantaro and Tenko glared at one another, before Korekiyo pushed them both to the side. "I apologize dearly." Korekiyo whispers to Kokichi, before pulling his mask down and planting a gentle kiss on the boys lips.

Rantaro's jaw dropped as he watched the two get into a more not safe for work sort of kiss. Tenko huffed out of jealousy and pushed her taller brother to the side. She smirks and places her hands on either one of Kokichi's shoulders, pulling him closer as she gave him a not so perfect kiss, though neither pulled away complaining.

Rantaro glared daggers at the two siblings, before tugging the girls pigtail as he picked Kokichi up off the ground, Kokichi wrapping his legs around his waist out of pure instinct as Rantaro placed one hand on the back of the others head, pulling him into a kiss. (I just loveee writing about kisses even though I am a kiss virgin myself.)

The two stayed at it until both had to pull away for the annoying thing we humans call breathing. "You know. That wasn't so bad." Rantaro chuckles, setting Kokichi down and patting him on the head innocently. "WHAT THE HELL?!" The woman shouted, getting everyone's attention.

The woman was as red, no redder than Kokichi as she quickly hid her face in her wife's dress shirt. Celestia sighs, patting the woman on her head before picking her up and walking back upstairs. "If you all would like, you can stay here for the night Assuming you all knew that before you came here." The woman gave every last child a look before going on her way.

Kokichi stared at the women blankly, before turning his head to look at Tenko. "Terrible kiss, by the way." Kokichi smirks as the woman turns a blood red, "You should consider yourself lucky to have kissed me, degenerate male!" Tenko hisses, looking the other way. Kokichi giggles, nodding. "Okay okay, you win..for now." Kokichi smirks, placing a finger to his lips mischievously.

Tenko felt chills go down her spine after seeing the boy do that for the first time in a while. "Y-yeah, whatever." Tenko stutters, picking her phone up the nearly table, walking towards the front door.

"Be back soon. Also, Kokichi, I grabbed your panta off your table at your apartment, it's in the fridge!" Tenko shouts before opening the door and exiting the crowded house. "Wow, somebody sure has mood swings." Kokichi and Rantaro say in unison, before looking at each other and bursting out into a fit of laughter.

Korekiyo on the other hand, was too tired to laugh, otherwise he probably would have. "Anyways, Ouma. Are you sure you are going to sleep here tonight?" Korekiyo asks, placing his hands on his hips as he hovered over the two by about a foot a piece.

Rantaro stopped laughing, looking to Kokichi, who shrugged. "I guess, I dunno." Kokichi sighs, folding his arms over one another. Korekiyo nods, looking around the now full room of children. "Would you and all of your siblings all even fit here?" Korekiyo asks, flipping his hair as he turns back to Kokichi.

Kokichi held back a laugh, nodding. "Y-yeah, pretty sure." Kokichi let out a small sigh, puffing his cheeks out as he looked around. "Okay, assholes, time for bed!" His sister, Hiyoko, shouts, all the kids ignored the poor girl.

Kokichi snickers, taking a deep breath. "GO THE FUCK TO BED, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING BASTARDS!" Kokichi yells, his mischievous smirk appearing oncemore. This time, everyone practically fought one another to get up the stairs first.

Nagito smiles, tears streaming down his cheeks as Kokichi walked up behind him, placig a hand on his shoulder. "Use that luck, Nagihoe." "Y-yes, sir." Nagito mumbles, pushing past the students as he skipped up the stairs. He passed all students, ofcourse not a single soul was left without a bruise.

Kazuichi and Gundhamn excluded from that, ofcourse. Hiyoko and Mahiru got tripped and fell down the stairs, immediately running back up. Chiaki got her arm cut on a nail that literally appeared out of nowhere. Sonia was about to get shot by a gun Hajime always kept in his pocket, but dodged it because Mikan jumped in the way, the bullet scraping against her arm, but thankfully missing anything vital.

Ibuki jumped on Nagito's back, being missed by almost everything. Almost, being the keyword. Nagito ended up accidentally falling forwards at the top of the stairs, falling into the wall. "Ibuki gifts you a fuck, Nagito!" Ibuki shouts from underneath the latter.

Kokichi changed back to his somewhat normal smile, "Now. Shall we go? I'm pretty sure I have some sleepin bags, that or I could still them from the kinky nurse." Kokichi snickers, grabbing Rantaro's wrist draggig him up the stairs, leaving Korekiyo was a "GRAB MY DAMN  PANTA!" "GET YOUR OWN KNOCK OFF FANTA, YA BASTARD!" Hiyoko yelled, slamming her door shut as Kokichi turned his head to her.

"Get in that motherfucking room, slut."

Kokichi then proceeded to drag Rantaro to his room, pushing him in and onto the door as he checked his closet for sleeping bags. Rantaro was a little.. unnerved. "Okay. Listen up Rantarhoe." Kokichi spun around his heel, holding a couple sleeping backs folded up in his arms.

Rantaro helped himself up, dusing his clothes off. "I'm listening, go on." Kokihi nods, "Okay, so I have a couple sleeping bags that I may or may have not stolen at sleepovers." Kokichi smirks, before emitting a loud sigh.

"Anywhom. The first sleepingbag is sorta big, but not that tall. It sorta has a piano design I guess? Prolly stole it from Kaediot before that damn game." Kokichi explains, throwing the sleeping bag on the ground. "Okay. This next one is more long than it is wide but it is still wide. Probably you or Kiyo." Kokichi shrugs as he continues, Rantaro nodding.

Kokichi threw that bag to the floor aswell. "Anddd, last but no least one that has- Actuallyyyy, nevermind." Kokichi shivers, looking at the sleeping bag he could only assume to be Miu's or Tsumugi's. Judging by the naked anime yaoi on it.

Rantaro stared at it before nodding. "And we also have an air mattress that Tsoomgs gave me, seeing as how it was in a box while I was snooping through my own closet and it had a tag on it saying from Tsumugi!" Kokichi smiled, pointing to the box inside his closet.

Rantaro sighs, not really wanting to chose for his siblings. "Erm, I'll take the one that's long but small. I'll head onto bed." Rantaro smiles nervously, hoping to have made the right choice.

Have a good day/night, also I will have to apologize for it being oh so short. I tried so hard to make it but it didn't save when I finished it sooo yup. Love y'all!



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