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music —————————————————

————————————————— pink + white, frank ocean


sep 20



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WHEN TATIANA HALIMI LIVED IN AMERICA, she had a flourishing social life, as well as a brain that got her into berkeley. she had two morrocan parents, two older brothers, and two older sisters. she had two dogs over the course of her childhood, and numerous other pets that came and went. her mother worked as a nurse in a local hospital, and her father was a contractor.

all four of her older siblings were born in morocco, but she was the first born in england, where she spent the first four years of her life, and then moved to america, and stayed until she was eighteen.

as a child, tatiana had always been a little chubby. nobody really knew if it was genetic or not.. she wasn't fed anything  different from her siblings, but even now, they were all stick thin, and toned up. regardless, she was even beautiful as a child, while you can change weight, you can't change beauty. no plastic surgery could give you the beautiful arab eyes she had, or the thick, luscious hair she had. there was no denying, that she was beautiful.

you could describe her childhood as her being a smart girl. she spent loads of time on her studies, and scored nearly perfect in every exam, test, assignment— you name it, she got full marks. in high school, she played many sports, she played track all four years of high school, but she also played soccer. in fact, she was the varsity captain as a freshman, and many though that a football career was very possible for her, she did too.

tatiana was gifted. not the the kind of gifted that meant she was academically smart. it was was the kind where she could make a whole lemon buffet with lemons. when life gave tatiana lemons, she thrived.

tatiana went to a great high school, dreaming to go off and become a lawyer, and in fact, she received a full ride to a college in england. she didn't remember much of england, it had been almost fifteen years since she had lived there, and she hadn't ever gone back.

she fought with her parents over it. they told her to stay in america, they had a beautiful life there. and she had a second offer, from penn state, which was near home, but wasn't a full ride.

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