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———————————————————————————— low, sza


feb 2



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TATIANA CONSIDERED HERSELF TO BE A VERY brave person. forget big things, such as death and loneliness, which she wasn't scared of, she didn't mind small things either. she could handle the dark, or heights, or spiders. she could walk alone at night and feel confident in her safety, or she could swim alone in an ocean without a doubt in her mind.

one thing, tatiana absolutely hated thunder. even rain was unpleasant for her. something about the boom and flash gave her an insane jumpscare that was a huge turn off to her. it was something she preferred to keep private, she always thought it was a stupid thing to be scared of, but it was irrational and she had no control over it.

so, there tatiana was, as she watched a movie in the suite television, with the volume at the maximum, to drown out any noise of thunder, with every single light and lamp on, to overshadow the flash.

of course, it didn't work. not even in the slightest. she still jumped and squealed anytime it happened. sharky, who had been in the bathroom showering when the thunder had started, missed out on this whole fiasco.

tatiana even went the extra mile to wear noise cancelling headphones, but eventually gave up because they were uncomfortable. she had no option but to just wait it out. her weather app was no help either, it showed the thunder lasting all night, and it was forecasted to rain all of tomorrow as well.

"oi, turn the television down, it's way too loud. we're gonna get noise complaints..!" sharky shrieked, as he quickly turned the volume down to a quieter level. tatiana continued to avoid his gaze, but sharky had done a good job of ignoring her social cues.

"cmon tati, it's late, we gotta get to sleep. turn the lights off.." sharky continued. evidently, tatiana continued to ignore him, but panic built up inside her. when sharky had turned everything off and lastly had gotten around to her lamp, then she was quick to grab his arm.

"wait!" she spoke, as sharky stared at her with brows furrowed. "what is the problem now..?" he rolled his eyes, jerking his hand from her grasp.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 • SHARKYWhere stories live. Discover now