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music ———————————————————

——————————————————— gold digger, kanye west


jan 29



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"NO NIKO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, I PICK aj..!" chunkz giggled, as he gave aj a side hug, much to his dismay. niko rolled his eyes, turning to kenny, as he silently partnered with him. sharky looked around the five of them, waiting for niko to finish.

"okay, so am i just not getting a partner, or..?" sharky asked, gesturing the the group, niko quickly shushed him, before he mentioned a guest star that he would meet during filming.

"oh, this is balls man, why can't you just tell me now.." sharky groaned, standing up as he made sure he had all his things ready.

"welcome back to another episode of race across america; beta squad addition!!" niko introduced, as chunkz interjected.

"you shmuck a really liked the first one, so we are doing it again for you lousy idiots.." chunkz said, as the group looked at him weird.

"you can't call the browsers stupid..?" aj added, as chunkz rolled his eyes. "you lot think i wanna be here? no!!" chunkz mumbled, as he aggressively 'patted' niko's back.

"as you can see, we are at the airport, in case, you know. you couldn't tell, and you were blind" aj joked, gesturing to the busyness around him.

"aj are you stupid, they aren't blind.." sharky added, smacking him upside the head. "what do you mean?? a lot of people are blind!" he defended, raising his hands in defeat.

"anyways, here we are, in heathrow, and the goal is to get to miami, but me have to achieve certain goals in other places before we get there..!" kenny explained, as the camera zoomed in on him sicne the rest of the group was still arguing.

"and we all have partners, kenny and i, chunkz and aj, sharky and our guest star..!" niko explained, up to this point, sharky had still not met the guest star.

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 • SHARKYWhere stories live. Discover now