Chapter 3- The Deal of Misery

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It was the same night where Izuku's mother had passed away in front of him. The amount of tears, the amount of pain that he felt at that moment was too much for Izuku to handle. The pain eventually took a toll on his body and it didn't help that ever since that, that moment, he's been feeling an overwhelming negative force. So in due time Izuku's body reacted by passing out in the same hospital room as his mother's.

While he was passed out, Izuku had suddenly woken up to the darkness again. Like before, he was surrounded by it, not being able to see anything, not even himself. However, it was different this time. Unexpectedly, the darkness had began to sink all at once towards Izuku's shadow.

Izuku was blinded by the sudden light and covered his face with his arms. Upon opening them, he was seen in an empty white room. Izuku looked at his hands before looking around the room itself. Though, there wasn't much to look at in the first place. But there was one door, no windows. Izuku approached the door not knowing what else to do.

Starring at it for a few seconds he thought to himself. He was still confused about his new surroundings. Everything felt oddly real to him, he began to wonder if this was actually real. Wanting to find some answers, Izuku placed his hand on the door handle and tried to open it. Half expecting it, the door didn't budge. He tried again with a both more force, yet nothing. The door didn't even shake from the force, it remained in place like an immovable stone. Izuku even tried to shove the door with his shoulder but again, nothing.

Eventually, he gave up on the door and sighed in defeat. He slid his back against the door propping his arms over his folded legs. Closing his eyes, he looked down as he tried to think about what to do. If this was real, why would he even be in this room in the first place. Life, couldn't really hate him that much that it placed him in an unknown place without a chance of saying goodbye to his mother.

At that moment, Izuku suddenly remembered the horror of losing his mother to that fire. The images of the flaming building to the state of his mother after the incident flashed into his head. He began to feel of mix of sorrow and rage. No matter what it was, no matter who it was, life had always treated him unfairly. Izuku stressfully dug his hands into his hair with his teeth gritted and eyes filled with rage. However, that rage didn't do anything. He felt that anger still, but alongside it, he felt misery.

Right at that moment, his shadow began to move around Izuku which caught Izuku by surprise. Instinctively he covered his face with his arms as the shadows continued to move around before suddenly taking shape that looked like Izuku. The only difference was that it was completely shaded it, with a shadowy affect around him and glowing white eyes.

"That's it, that's the feeling that always gets to everyone" spoke the shadow, sounding like Izuku's voice but low and echo-like.

"W-what?" Said Izuku confused once seeing the shadow. "What are you?"

"You tell me, what emotion where you feeling before I was summoned" said the shadow.

Izuku thought for a second.

"I...I felt an overwhelming feeling of misery and loss... is that what you are?" Asked Izuku again.

"That'll work for now, you have much more to know, but for now, all you need to know is that I'll help you" spoke Misery.

"How? How can you help me?" Izuku asked getting closer to tears.

"I can give you the power to avenge your mother, not only that but I can find the one responsible for your mother's unfortunate passing" said Misery sounding

Izuku was shocked when he heard the proposal from the shadow of misery. Was this real? Surely it was something that he shouldn't accept. But when he was close to refusing, he had memories flashing in his head about how weak he was. Izuku got on two feet and looked at the shadow dead in the eyes. He didn't care about any logical thoughts. This world has never cared for him and he has reached his breaking point. He was being guided by his pain, his trauma, his rage, his, his... his overwhelming sense of misery...

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