Chapter 10- To Live is to Suffer

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Lunch time had already been finalized for a long time now. However, Izuku had lost all track of time. Throughout the time, Izuku felt like he was in an empty timeless void. And in that void, Izuku felt like something in him has been shattered beyond repair. What was he to do now?

As Izuku stayed in the roof, no other student had even bothered to go searching for him or ask about his whereabouts. When the next teachers that came in asked about Izuku's missing, Gesu had replied back that Izuku wasn't feeling well and is staying at the nursery office. The teachers just took his word and continued with class as if nothing happened.

The school day soon approached to an end with the last bell ringing. There were some kids that had gone to the roof after the school day ended to hangout, finding Izuku still sitting in the same place. They were surprised to see someone still up here and tried talking to him. They noticed that he had some scratch on his cheek with almost dry blood already and asked if he was alright.

Izuku didn't reply, he couldn't hear anything. The boys looked at eschother confused and one of them kneeled down to shake his shoulder. This made Izuku jump and instinctively smack his hand away with a look of fear on his shaking eyes. Yelling at them to get away from him and leave him alone. Izuku finally realized how much time has been lost while he was up there. He panically got up and rushed to the door leaving the other boys confused.

Izuku went to his now empty classroom. He looked around to check if the room was truly empty, and it was. He walked inside to grab his things and put them inside his backpack and stepped out of the classroom. As he was walking through the empty hallways, Izuku felt a wince of pain on his cheeck, now remembering about his wound he received earlier. He reached to it with his hand, feeling that some of the blood was partly dried already. But nonetheless he decoded to go to the school infirmary to get himself patched up.

Izuku stepped in to luckily find the school medic in his office still. The man looked over to see Izuku step in already seeing the wound on his cheeck showing little surprise or care. Izuku asked if he could be patched up for it with the medic sighing as he put his packed up bag on the ground. As he looked over Izuku's wound he tried starting some small talk.

"So what happened to you?" He said as he then walked to his desk to grab some bandages.

Izuku didn't reply, not wanting to recall the scenario again in his head. He simply let the silence engulf the room. The medic sighed and wall back towards Izuku to place the bandage around his wound after disinfecting it.

"Fine, don't talk. It's not like I get paid to know what happens between you crazy kids" he said as he finished "Now if you can please leave so I can finally go home, that'll be great."

Izuku nodded and grabbed his backpack as he slid the door open. But before he left, he made sure to thank him for wasting his time patching him up before leaving home. The medic didn't say anything back, not that it would matter since Izuku shut the door before he would even say anything.

Much like yesterday, the sun was beggining to set already after the school day. Izuku continued to walk holding the  straps of his backpack, looking onto the ground. He was already fearing on what his family will say when he returns. Since they knew about the bullying he faced, they are sure to assume that the same events as before have taken place. That would make them scared and worry for him, which is not what Izuku wants, it's not what he wants for Katsuki. How will he explain that it was the same group that he was gladly talking about at the dinner table. He gritted his teeth hating the situation he was facing.

"Damn it! Why...why always I only live so I can suffer?" he whisperingly exclaimed to himself.

As he walked towards the metro station, he would always pass by one of the dormitories from the school. What he didn't know was that it was the same one that Gesu would reside in. Unknowingly from Izuku, Gesu watched from the window as he saw Izuku walking by. Before Izuku got out of sight from him, he pulled out his phone making a phone call.

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