Chapter 15- Things Will Be Different

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Izuku walked out of the classroom after confronting his new tormentor, well, more like short-term tormentor. Izuku will break free from the grasp of his hands, even if it means breaking his hands to make sure it never happens again. Not to him, and not to anyone else. He is scum, and deserves to be thrown out, that's what Izuku wants to believe.

'Well you handled that situation well, new spark of confidence?' started speaking Misery out of sudden.

'You mind giving me a heads up whenever you're gonna pop up in my head?' Requested Izuku startled from his sudden appearance.

'That's quite difficult to oblige by when I'm already part of you' said Misery.

'I guess that's fair. And yeah, I guess you could also call it some new found confidence. I don't think I'd ever talk to him like that before when I was powerless, I'd assumed I would be forced to live the rest of my school days enduring the torment until I actually found a way to stand up to him, but...'

'But what Izuku?'

'Is it truly okay for me to abuse this power on people like them? I can tell that I have far more power than their'

'Will you be quiet Izuku! Have you yet to realize that as long as they have the power over you, they will never let you go. They live life by having the powerful in control and until you decide to shatter his throne over you, he will treat you as his personal entertainment. You are only playing by the rules they've set, nothing more, nothing less.'

Izuku took a moment to take in every word fed to him by Misery. Izuku felt foolish to even think that it wouldn't be fair for Izuku to abuse his power on them. They've already been abusing theirs on him, so Izuku has every right to use his new found powers against them. They deserve it, Izuku shouldn't have to feel sympathy for monsters like them.

That's right, they did this to themselves that day they turned on Izuku. So as he continued walking down the hallway, he gripped his fist feeling the power flow through him again, a feeling he quite enjoyed. His eyes had a this cold stare that could have the force to make people tremble to their knees. And he will put all three of them down.


At the roof of the school, Izuku had just sent his message to Katsuki that he would be arriving later than usual. On the other side, Katsuki got his messaged and stared at the message. All the other students in his class began leaving. But Ochaco noticed Katsuki staying behind and glanced at him. She had a feeling it had to do with Izuku.

'I hope you know what you're doing, Izuku' thought Katsuki.

Katsuki replied to Izuku telling him to be careful and that he expects to hear about the result of what went down. Izuku replied back. The sun was close to setting as Izuku watched it from the rooftop with the wind blowing his hair. Then he heard the creak of the metal doors opening, followed by a mix of steps.

"So we're here now Midoriya, now get to talking" said Gesu with Inokuso and Kanamei behind him.

"Good, you listened well" said Izuku turning to face them.

Gesu glared at Izuku, ticked off by his asserting tone. But, he needed to hear him out first before saying anything.

"You know, this isn't the first time I've had to deal with people like you. People who think that just because they have a quirk, they see themselves better than those who have none. For a long time, that was the everyday life for me, going to school would almost be nearly impossible for me time to time again. I-"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Gesu cut him off suddenly. "We came hear to hear the truth from you, not some made up story because like you said, you have a quirk, so you either tell us the truth right now or we'll have to beat it out of you!"

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