Chapter 13- End of Phase One: "I Accept"

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"What the hell are you talking about!?" Exclaimed Gesu holding hid phone on his hand with the lights off in his room and night time outside.

Gesu was staring out at the same window where he was hoping it'd be the last time he'd see Izuku for a long while. He wasn't done in doing all he can to show him his deserved place in society. But now he's hearing that Izuku has been hiding something?

"Listen man, I don't know what to fucking tell you. That kid clearly has a quirk. I mean, he began to tank our punches like nothing!" Exclaimed the third year on the phone.

Gesu was trying to comprehend the whole situation as he clearly remembered reading his records diagnosing him as quirkless. There is no chance that he, Gesu, could have made a mistake with this. No, he refuses to accept that.

"Look, me and my boys are out... Something about that kid was unsettling" said the guy on the otherline breaking Gesu's thoughts.

"What? Explain it" said Gesu needing more information as he himself only felt fear from Izuku.

"I don't know how to put it. But fuck man, there was this eerie feeling coming off the guy, something not normal. I'm telling you, this kid definitely has a quirk. That's all, don't call on us again. We ain't messing with that" the third year hung up the phone, leaving Gesu unpleased.

Gesu put a face of disgust and tossed his phone to his bed. He needs to find out more about Izuku, clearly there's more to find out about him. He has to plan this approach and he will bring his friends into this, they are in this with him as well. He shares a dorm with Inokuso so he'll just wait till he comes back from his late basketball practice. Kanamei is most definitely asleep already, he'll have to approach her tomorrow. He will uncover everything that Izuku is hiding. Gesu stared at his reflection on the window glass.


Not made up up, not some weird imagination, not a dream. Whatever Izuku experienced that night was real. It was as real as it gets. The next morning, Izuku woke up feeling tired like he usually does every now and then. But with clear memory now, he could understand why he may have been experiencing such hard mornings. Misery has been beside him at all times.

Izuku rose from his bed and looked at the morning sunlight piercing through his curtains. He felt something heavy as he got up, not physically though. After recollecting fragments of his second run-in with Misery. He was left with so much to say, but do little thought on what to do next. Something more unexpected about that talk is that it reawakened a feeling long left behind, or so he believed.

The idea that his mother's killer could still be walking out there, free of consequence. Izuku curled his legs closer, wrapping his arms around them and leaning his forehead onto his forearms. There was too many emotions that were being built up, emotions that he didn't know what to do with. Worst of all, he realized he has to go back to school. His new tormentors are surely waiting for him to arrive. Frustratingly, he gripped his fists and looked up slightly to where his furious eyes poked out. He closed them back up and began to breathe. He couldn't leave his family waiting long for him.

Ther morning went by the usual way: eating a homemade breakfast from his caring parents, getting his backpack ready, collecting his school lunch, saying goodbye and walking to the station along Katsuki. Though there wasn't much talk between the two. The two brothers just had too much going on in their minds. The two simply said their goodbyes to eachother after Katsuki's rode to UA arrived. Izuku's arrived moments later.

Already in school, the day felt like nothing, just an emptiness to fill in the space of the day. Izuku was hardly paying mind to his surroundings that he was ignoring the glares coming from Gesu. Inokuso couldn't care less and simply pressed his left foot in the edge of the table, leaning his chair back and forth out of boredom. Kanamei, who had forced another student to switch seats with her to avoid sitting next to Izuku, was tapping on her phone, rolling through different filters on her camera.

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