Chapter 16- That Day

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One Week Later

'An entire week already, that's how long it's been since that fortunate day on the rooftop'

Izuku thought as he walked toward his locker around the end of the school day, it was already in the middle of sunset outside. The locker door opened with a creak and Izuku proceeded to take out his shoes. Unbeknownst of him, there was a group of three students behind him. The said group consisted of two boys and one girl. Izuku paying no mind was fitting in his shoes, until one of them spoke out to him.

"Midoriya..." said the male student in the middle.

Izuku turned to face the group of three after putting on his shoes.

"Yes? What is it?" Izuku replied.

"We...we were hoping you could help us with the current math problem in class!" The student exclaimed with a desperate bow.

The other two students followed his actions and also begged for assistance with their classwork.

"Oh is that all? Come on now, no need for these formalities" Izuku replied charismatically.

The group of three students felt relieved from Izuku's demeanor and stood up straight again. They proceeded to barrage Izuku with many thank you's and gratitude. Izuku simply tried to kindly mitigate their appreciation. From there Izuku made plans with them to help them tomorrow, getting their contact info. The three graciously waved goodbye and ran off together, most likely heading towards an after school club.

Izuku waved at them back until they were out of distance and he continued his way out of school gates. He pulled out his phone as he thought of possibly joining a club or join something else. He believed that he needed to start in creating a recognizable reputation at school to look good for colleges. He just needed to find a way to get involved.

Finished with his thoughts, he began to scroll through his phone messages, already receiving a notification of a group chat tittled "Midoriya is the Goat." Izuku chuckled at the thought of the tittle and sent a hi as his first message. Another notification went off and this time it was one received from Uraraka.

Ochaco: Hey Midoriya, wanna walk together again?

Izuku: Of coarse, see ya then

Izuku put his phone in his pocket and continued his walk towards the station. Taking the usual pathway, where he passed by the building that held the room of his former bullies. Currently, the room had police tape outside the door as it was used for investigation of the missing students Gesu and Inokuso. The other female roommate of Kanamei had to vacate the premises of her room as the investigation looked for any clues that would help in ecplaining their sudden disappearance. Izuku stopped for a minute to gaze at it, knowing what he's done, and not having any regrets nor doubts to share. It was necessary, Izuku thought.

While Izuku continued walking, he would often cross path with some other students from the same school. It was unavoidable for Izuku not to listen into their conversations time to time. Izuku kept some space between him and the two third year female students waiting to cross the same crosswalk. However, he could still listen to their conversation.

"Hey, so what do you think happened to those three students that went missing?" One of the girls asked.

"Aah! Don't bring it up, it's scary to think about" the other girl panicked in way where she tried to keep it low-key.

"Seriously? You can't be that terrified about it" the first girl replied.

"But I am! I heard they disappeared on school grounds, as if they just vanished" the second girl stated.

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