Chapter 18- Embodiment of Misery

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"I don't necessarily think there's a rush choosing what to do for a living. You're young Izuku, live it to your damn best" The voice of Mitsuki rang out. "I can assure you me and your mother certainly did."


"You know, I wasn't sure of my future either when I was your age. But look at me now, I married the love of my life and I have you and Katsuki as my sons. You'll soon find something to be passionate about, that I know." Masaru's voice rang afterwards.


"Honestly Midoriya, you really are an incredible person! Im rooting for you all the way!" Ochaco's cheery voice said.


"Izuku. You know I'll always have your back, you're my brother after all" Katsuki said in his rarely seen genuine tone.


'What are these...?'

Izuku thaught as he felt like he was floating in a void of nothingness. He cannot move for he can't feel a thing. No emotion and nothing physical. Whatever pain or emotion he felt before, it was all gone now.

'Are these...the final thoughts of a dying man...a dying man?...right'

Back to the material world, Izuku's body is still being held up by Malice's shadowy hands. He was still screeching about his triumphant victory over Misery, what was supposedly meant to end him, it was really the other way around. Izuku could feel life slowly slipping away further and further. His eyes can no longer remain open as they could barely hold out anymore.

'I wanted...I wanted' Izuku thaught as if pleating for something, and he raised his arm slowly to the covered night sky "I...need-....more time!"

Izuku gripped his fist and in that moment one final memory flashed into his head. One that reminded Izuku of why he's here to begin with.

"Izuku dear"


"I'm glad to have been gifted with such boy like you. I just know you'll do great things when you grow up, and I can't wait to see it"

The image of his mother, his kind and pure mother, a was now burning before his eyes. Everything about her was fading into ashes in the wind. Izuku desperately called out for her and chased the ashes. However, the ashes only led him to the day of tragedy. The horrific sight of his apartment complex set ablaze. Izuku would attempt to step closer but a burst of flames knocked him back down. Izuku's eyes filled with tears, frustrated and saddened, he punch the ground beneath him.

"Damn it...Damn it! DAMN IT!" Izuku cried out, feeling the emotion of that day relapse all over again. "I couldn't do anything for you...I- I can't even remember your last words..."

Izuku was gasping between his cries as tears rushed down his face and onto the ground. His gasp had soon built up into the the most broken and grief filled scream. It went on for so long, and that feeling, which was overcome with such misery, had soon shifted to a frustrating rage.

"I will find them...the person responsible for all this...and I will kill them" Izuku's voice was full of a raspy rage and resolve. His eyes glaring deeply with tears still at the corner of his eyes.

Back to the material world again, Izuku began to yell as his body tried to force itself to move again. The muscles in his arms and legs twitched as they intensified more. Malice saw this and looked at Izuku caught off guard by his sudden movement.

Suddenly, Izuku's body began emitting smog-like shadows. At the same time, the darkness began to cover the entirety of his body and his pupils began to dissappear into empty shining white eyes. Izuku's arms suddenly grabbed ahold of Malice's arm tjat held him up. Malice attempted to shake him off but Izuku's grip is too strong.

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