Chapter 1- Is This Misery?

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It was dark, really dark. It was to the point where you can't see your own features, and you just had to pretend it was there, even though you can't see it.  Sometimes you begin to wonder if it even is there. But then in the darkness, there was somehow sudden flashes.

It was difficult to put into words, but these flashes were showing multiple shadows shaped like sharp appendages stretching out. But the most disturbing part was the sudden flashes of multiple bodies, chaos and destruction itself. The noise was getting louder and finally Izuku woke up from his desk.

He was panting heavily as he looked around seeing that the whole class has cleared out. Once again, no one would bother to wake him up, not even the teacher. It isn't the first time and it most certainly won't be the last. He laid back against his chair and looked at the ceiling for a good silent minute before beggining to pack his things. He put his backpack over his shoulder and began walking out of the classroom.

Izuku had now exited the school and was on his way home, not like he would have anywhere else to go. He was now passing by an alley when suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder, which Izuku turned slowly to see who it was. Before he knew it, Izuku was now laying next to some trash bins with his school supplies being thrown away from his backpack and have his now empty backpack thrown at him. Izuku did not show much expression, he is already used to this sort of thing. He was then picked up by his collar and received a punch to the face tossing him back in the ground.

"Ha, you don't even bother to defend yourself anymore, huh?" Said the first bully.

"You know, you sure make it difficult to get a kick out of this" said the second bully as he kicked Izuku when he said the word kick.

Izuku had his lip split from the punch earlier and a bruise on his cheek. He didn't look up at them, and he hardly made any noise when he was kicked or punch. It just didn't matter anymore, what could matter if he has been living in... misery? Yeah that sounds about right. There was nothing but misery in his life.

"So boring, you should just off yourself already. No wonder Bakugou lost interest in you, you quirkless bastard" said the first Bully squating next to the beat up Izuku.

"Come on, let's get going" said the second bully "You best be dead by tomorrow quirkless shit"

Izuku was starting to move as he tried to get up but when he was, a can from the bullies was thrown against his head, yet no reaction from Izuku still. He slowly began to grab his things from the trash next to him, not caring if it was dirty or not.

As he picked up his things, he began to replay what the bullies said in his head. Just because he shows no physical reaction to their endless attacks, it doesn't mean he ignores their comments. He always gets stuck in place as he replays everything they say about him. It's impossible to get rid of, and sometimes, he does begin to think they're right. He ended up saying the same comment in his head.

'You should just off yourself already'

Izuku chuckled miserably at the repeating comment. He then placed his hands on his face as he continued to chuckle at the thought of it. He was then brought to tears, which rushed down his cheeks and onto the ground. Izuku turned to look at a broken piece of a mirror, where he looked af his reflection through the stained, dirty and broken mirror.

"Maybe they're right...I'm useless in this world...I-...I should just-!"

Before he could finish the sentence, he had a sudden image of his mother appear in bis head. The look of her mother's kind and gentle smile, one that perfectly matches her tender touch. He, he can't afford to see her engulfed into a state of pure misery, just because he doesn't believe he should exist.

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