Chapter 6- Hope for the Better

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'Dear mom, it's been two years since you've been gone, but I want you to know that everything is going great for me. Your friend Mitzuki and her husband treat me well, more than I deserve honestly. She's told me so many stories about you two, found out so many things I didn't know about you that I'd wish I asked you before. Believe it or not, Katsuki has become one of my closest friends. Wait no, he's actually become my brother. He even encouraged me to work out with him as he trained for his future at UA. So I'm no longer the twig that I used to be. Sure, it was hard sometimes especially when Katsuki would push me to my limit to the point where I felt like my muscles were going to explode. He can still be intense, but he can also be  kind enough to help me out. As for me, I don't really know what I want to do yet. Katsuki suggested that I should sign up to the Hero Angency course in UA since they now allowed quitkless to apply, which is really cool. He wanted me to work with him in managing his future agency, but it just wasn't for me. The hero phase I had as a kid is past me and I want to do something else that's just as great. I don't know what it is yet, but I'll figure it out, I will find what path I must take, and I'll make you proud Mom. Thank you for everything that you gave to me, I miss you and I love you'

Izuku put down his pen as he wanted to write more, but decided to end it there. Things didn't start well ever since Inko had left this world, but there's been so much good that came out of it, and in a way he has his mom to thank for that. She made sure that even when she's gone, Izuku would be accepted and protected.

"Hey! Come on Izuku, breakfast is ready and we don't got much time left before school starts!" Shouted Katsuki at the other side of the door.

"On my way!" Izuku replied putting his notebook away, where he had more notebooks about other stuff he wrote.

Izuku found it therapeutic to write and refelct on all the events of his life. Reliving the good and the bad, it has helped him in improving himself. But what Izuku forgot to write about was how today was his first day at High School, which turned him into the nervous wreck he could be.

Katsuki managed to make it into the hero course at UA with a message from All Might himself, since All Might would spend time there to teach the new generation of heroes. However, this meant that the two of them would be going to different high schools. Izuku managed to make it into one of the top educational schools in Musutafu, known as Takai High of Musutafu. He hoped that in that school he would find a purpose since it has given many opportunities to its own students.

Izuku had just about everything he needed for school, including his uniform. Izuku walked to the kitchen where Mitzuki had their breakfast plates set in the dining tables. Katsuki was alrady eating his plate, also wearing his UA School uniform. Izuku went to the table thanking Mitzuki for the food, as he began to dig in. After a few minutes, the two had finished their breakfast and put their plates away.

The two then began making their way to the entrance door and waited for their mother to come and say goodbye to them. Mitzuki came up and pulled the both of them into a hug. Izuku smiled and hugged her back while Katsuki was a bit more resistant to her much affection. Katsuki reluctantly hugged her back when Mitzuki yelled at him to hug back or she'll hold him back on his first day. Izuku couldn't help but chuckle at the scenario. He was happy, more than he ever believed he'd be.

With that, Izuku and Katsuki began walking to the train station. It was only a fifteen minute walk before they finally arrived at the station. Using their school ID cards they got a free pass to the train. However, this is where the two would depart as they would have to take different carriages to hesd to their separate schools.

"I'm not the only one here who thinks time flew by fast, right?" Katsuki said starting a conversation before their trains arrived.

"Trust me, you aren't. It still leaves me surprised every time I think about it" Izuku said chuckling a bit after.

Izuku easily took notice that Katsuki was feeling nervous not for himself, but for Izuku. Throughout their remaining junior high years, Izuku did not escape the bullying completely. For most if not all situations, Katsuki was there to defend him from the bullies. But now that wint be the case.

"Hey Katsuki, I'm gonna be fine, alright?" Izuku said catching his full attention.

"You just make sure to tell me if anything happens, don't even try to hide things from me. You know I will eventually find out and you won't like the consequences" said Katsuki in a half serious tone.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks Katsuki" Izuku said gratefully.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever" Said Katsuki, his way of saying your welcome.

As they finishes talking, there an announcement in the speakers about Izuku's train pulling up. Many people began to stand up from their seats or walk forwards to where the train would stop.

"Well, this is it. I'll see you later" Izuku said lifting up his fist as they stood side to side.

"You will" Katsuki said as he mimicked his gesture as well.

The two bumped their wrist together with their fist crossed. Izuku began walking as the train slowly pulled up and make its slow stop. After a few seconds, the doors opened up and the speaker spoke again telling the guests to enter the train. Izuku was one of the last people to enter, but before he did he made sure to turn and wave at Katsuki one last time, he waved back. The doors closed in front of Izuku and was cut off. He could still see him through the windows and the train began to speed off.

Katsuki looked as Izuku's train disappeared into the distance, dropping his hand back into his pockets. After a few more minutes, Katsuki's train bear arrival was announced. Katsuki pulled his backpack more ove his shoulder and walked to his trian.

Izuku was sitting at the edge of the seat near the exit door. Izuku placed his yellow backpack over his lap and pulled out his phone with his shoulders resting over his backpack. Izuku scrolled through his phone aimlessly, just wanting to pass by time. Ultimately he'd end up looking through his camera roll.

One after another, photos of Izuku and his new family appeared on his phone screen. There was photos of their beach days, birthdays, trips outside Musutafu, Junior High graduation and so on. However, eventually Izuku reached the last photo he had ever taken with his mother. The photo consisted of a handheld photo from his mother. There was a small cake and candles lit up. In the photo, Izuku looked like he had a happy but semi awkward smile. But not his mother, she held one of the purest smiles that Izuku didn't see at the time the photo was taken.

Izuku could feel his heart getting heavy as he thought about it more. He placed his thumb over the image of his mother in the picture as he began to fall into a decent of what could've been if she was still here. Despite Izuku feeling happy now, there's still the times where memories of his mother would trigger a sadness in him. Whenever he'd feel this way, Katsuki, Mitzuki or Masaru would be there to comfort him. But not this time, Izuku was alone with himself, with his thoughts, the ones he can always feel himself get trapped in. And every time, he would also feel another old feeling that he thought he'd felt before.

Suddenly the speakers in the train spoke again, announcing how they have reached their destination. Izuku managed to break away from his thoughts and got up as the train came to a slow stop. Izuku put his backpack over his shoulder and looked foward at the door, as he would take his first step out into the world with no one by his side. The same would that despised him, and that he hated back. However, he could only hope that things would be better. Unless the world is truly just that cruel towards him.


Hey, sorry if it's another short chapter and if it's somewhat uneventful, trust me we'll get back to that next chapter. Anyways I don't got much to say but I hope you enjoyed that read at least.

Hope to see you next time!

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