Chapter 14- Starting Today

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The sun rose as the new morning began, the morning that marked new begginings for Izuku. He opened his eyes to stare at the blank ceiling, skeptically, he looked to see if everything still looked and felt the same. Slowly standing up from his bed, he looked at his arms.

He felt it as he was gripping his hands slowly, lightly straining his arms. He felt it, not physically as it could not be seen, but something was definitely different. He no longer feels like the powerless kid he was years ago. For what he believed would only happen in another lifetime, he has power.

"It starts today" spoke Izuku to himself and gripped his fist.

After the usual morning routines, Izuku and Katsuki walked out of their house after saying goodbye to their parents. The walk between the two came to be somewhat odd, as the two haven't said a word to each other. That's when Katsuki broke away from their path to the station. Izuku looked back and forth from Katsuki to the path towards the station. He had a perplexed look on his face.

"H-Hey, Katsuki, you know that's not the way, right?" Exclaimed Izuku as Katsuki continued to walk.

"I know!" Katsuki exclaimed back "You comin' or what?"

Katsuki turned back to face Izuku with his hands on his pockets. Izuku was confused, he could tell something was up but was completely unsure of what it was. He gripped his backpack strap and ran foward till he was at Katsuki's pace.

"But, aren't we going to be late? Won't you get punished? What will happen if you-"

"Ugh would you relax Izuku!" grumbled Katsuki as he took a turn. "Besides, the only punishment I'll receive is having to listen to the rant from the four-eyes speedster"

"You have a speedster in your class?" Asked Izuku stopping while Katsuki continued.

"Eh, nothing impressive though. Yet" replied Katsuki as Izuku followed behind him again.

After more walking, Katsuki finally reached the place he was looking for. To Izuku's surprise, it was the playground where many events took place between Katsuki and Izuku. The playground was empty curently and it was quiet around. Izuku looked back to Katsuki and saw the serious expression he had but somehow also full of emotion.

"Why'd you bring us here?" Asked Izuku.

"You remember, don't you...what happened here" replied Katsuki.

Izuku took a moment of silence only remembering the event when Katsuki had turned agaisnt Izuku at the young age.

"Y-yeah...I recall" said Izuku not fond of the past.

"Spell it out then" said Katsuki facing Izuku now.

Izuku was surprised that Katsuki asked for such a thing. Even though Izuku wasn't fond of these memories, he believed that Katsuki depised them even more than Izuku had. He could tell from his actions growing up together that Katsuki always attempted to make amends, as he promised.

"Well, this was the first time you...first beat me, alongside those other kids" said Izuku uncomfortably.

"Heh. So that's all, huh?" Said Katsuki. "Why are you lying to me Izuku?"

Izuku was taken back by his remark. He was confused as Izuku believed he told the truth about what's happened in this playground back then.

"W- what are you-"

"You know what I remember here Izuku" Katsuki cut him off. "I remember the day when I stumbled upon a kid my age who was playing with the same All Might toy I was holding, except mine had a broken leg cause of how rough I played. And when that green haired kid saw me, he offered in sharing his toy. Imagine the surprise my mom had when I brought that kid home with me, only to find out that she knew his mother."

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