Chapter 4- Seeking Recompense

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'I didn't know exactly when or why it started' thought Katsuki as he began recollecting memories of his past.

Katsuki remembers the time before he manifested his quirk and how he'd go out playing around with Izuku and some other two kids. They always did whatever they liked and it didn't even matter to them if it was considered reckless.

Despite Katsuki not recalling how he began to push off Izuku for good, he always recalls the day Izuku spent the night over at his house. The two spent time playing heroes together, with both of them having the same All Might onesie. They ran around the house doing whatever to entertain themselves.

But the most crazy part of that night was when they turned on the TV with an emergency broadcast about the fight between All Might and a supposedly underground villain who called himself All For One. The two of them sat inches away from the big screen as they watched the two most powerful quirk users brawl it out. Their fight would lead to city blocks being demolished.

The two watched worriedly as they saw how much All Might struggled in this fight. Witnessing that, Katsuki began to fear that All Might would lose this fight. But Izuku began to cheer for him, yelling at the screen. Bakugou looked over to him, he could also tell that Izuku was scared but he still believed in All Might.

In that moment, Katsuki really envied Izuku. Through his fear, Izuku still believed, but Katsuki gave up at that moment. If Izuku wasn't there, he would've never believed again. In the end, All Might managed to defeat All For One with a deadly final blow.

All For One collapsed to the ground while All Might stood above him, battered and covered in injuries, he raised his fist high up, showing everyone that he came out victorious. Izuku and Katsuki have never been more happy but after that, Katsuki still felt envy towards Izuku from that day foward. He wanted to surpass him, because as it was now, he could never. That was until he finally manifested his quirk, then everything changed.

Manifesting a quirk that was not only considered cool around his peers, it was also a powerful quirk of it was trained correctly. From this day on, he would try to prove that he was better than Izuku, no matter whatvhe had to do to make sure Izuku damn knows he's beneath him.

It eventually led to Katsuki beginning to abuse Izuku. He got way to obsessed with his quirk and it began to feed his ego, truly believing that he is the best. He would pick not only on Izuku, but some other kids who he thought were weak.

He clearly remembers when he and some other two kids were picking on Izuku and some other kids. More than anything, he wanted Izuku to stay on the ground.

Katsuki had pushed Izuku back with an explosion from his quirk. Izuku fell onto the ground next to the kid that Izuku tried to defend.

'Stop it Deku. Stop getting up. Why? Why won't you just give up?!' Thought Katsuki as Izuku would get up yet again.

It pissed him off, he could still not beat him. Growing tired of it, Katsuki threw himself towards Izuku with a rage. He wanted to win, to finally best him, but it didn't happen.

Izuku was laying on the ground covered in bruises from the beating he took. Katsuki saw how battered he left Izuku, but even then he wasn't satisfied. He saw how Izuku continued to tried to fight back, to get back up. He didn't give up yet! In the end, Katsuki gave up and finally left with the other two kids tagging along.

"Wow we really messed those kids up" said one of them.

"I know, Bakugou wasn't holding back with the quirkless one" snickered the other "Isn't that right-"

"SHUT UP! Both of you stop following me. I'm leaving!" Exclaimed Karsuki as he left the scene kicking a pole next to him out of rage.

This went on for much longer than Katsuki would expect it to be. All the way through their elementary years and through their first two years in middle school. That was until Katsuki could hear it, the string of hope that Izuku clung onto, had finally snapped.

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