Chapter 7- First Step Alone

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Izuku now stood at the front gates of his new high school, holding onto the two straps of his yellow backpack. He holds this backpack dearly since it is one of the last gifts he has from his mother. With that last thought, Izuku walks into the school gates, taking his first step alone into the world, but this time things will be different... or so he believed.

Izuku has already seen what class he was going to be in during his stay for the entrance exam. It was required from the school that the students must spend a three day stay at the school as they would announce who pass and their classroom list. Takai High of Musutafu took their curriculum bery serious and the students had a choice to let students stay in dorms since there were many students from different regions and prefectures. However, Izuku knew to decline that dorm option as he did not feel like he could spend nights there, with so many other students.

Izuku wished for his quirkless state to remain a secret. He's yet to feel confident in letting others know about his condition. The only people that know are the only ones he calls family. Truth is that quirkless being an outcast has not changed. People without quirks get shunned out from society on a regular basis. He's seen it.

When Bakugou declared to defend Izuku throughout Junior high, he saw that another quirkless kid was discovered and he became the main target of this continuous discrimination. Later that year, it was reported that a student committed suicide, it was the same quirkless kid. Izuku regretted not helping that kid back then.

The school bell suddenly rang through the speakers signaling that there was only a few minutes before all students had to be in their classrooms. Izuku snapped out of it and began to fast walk to his classroom. Roaming through the hall he was looking at the classroom signs.

'Class 1-C...Class 1-C...Class 1-C...' Izuku repeated in his hesd finally finding it but not before bumping into someone on the way in as he wasn't paying much attention.

"Oh- I'm sorry" Izuku apologized as he looked to see it was a girl.

"No it's alright, I should've payed attention as well" spoke the girl.

The girl had pink hair with some long sized hair that was tied up into one pony tail that leaned more to her left shoulder, but still had some lose strands of hair in front of her forehead. It was held to the side by a pretty purple hair clip. She consisted of light purple colored eyes. Izuku began to blush a bit from how pretty she was but quickly brushed it off.

The two entered the classroom and sat on the empty seats, which surprisingly they were right next to each other and in the back corner. The two set their backpacks down and seated as the bell rang a few minutes later. The teacher arrived a few seconds after it and introduced himself to the class, starting the first day of school.


It seemed like the day flew by fast since lunch time had arrived. Students were standing up as they made their way to the cafeteria and met up with new friends. But Izuku only grabbed his backpack and left the classroom. He could be found eating from his lunchbox in an empty alleyway near the top floor stairway. Even though the school held a near five star cafeteria menu, Izuku preferred his mother's made lunch. It mare him feel more at ease. When he was done, he simply put it away and now only had to wait for fifteen minutes before lunch ended.

Izuku decided he didn't want to spend all lunch looking at the ceiling of the top floor and headed to the roof, finding it empty. He headed towards the bench near the fence and just relaxed, feeling the breeze of the wind. However, it was soon interrupted when he heard the doors open and what sounded like a group of three kids coming in.

Izuku quickly grabbed his things as he didn't feel like being a burden to a group of friends. However as he was about to leave he noticed it was the same girl he ran into this morning with two other boys. And before he could leave she took notice and called out for him.

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