Chapter 11- Reminiscing

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It was the day of the UA entrance exam and Katsuki along with many other examinees were getting a presentation of how the practical version would go. Katsuki was confident in how he performed in the written, especially after getting some extra help from Izuku, despite his ramblings he went on sometimes.

But nonetheless, the most important part was the practical. From the information he's collected so far, it seemed pretty straightforward. Destroy the robots to accumulate points, numbers raging from 1 to 3 points. However, there was a 4th one in the pamphlet that he noticed. Though a few minutes later some other examinee exclaimed about the missing fourth robot in the presentation.

It was mentioned that it would be more like an obstacle type of deal robot and won't be worth any points. So with that, the groups were sent to their different districts of the practical exam. Katsuki was getting some final stretches in with his arms as he waited. And not too much later, the commencing of the exam began.

With no time to waste, Katsuki had already launched himself ahead of the competition. Keeping a close eye while he was airborne he spotted the first robot and rushed towards it with an explosion, destroying it on impact.

'Alright, that's one point. Time to keep moving' he thought as he immediately jumped back into action.

As time continued to fly by, Katsuki continued to destroy every robot he saw on sight. He had already racked up a good number of points but with him being unsure on how much was required, he decided to keep going as far as he could. Strangely enough, he hasn't ran into the fourth robot mentioned, not that he's complaining but he just found it odd.

Then there was a sudden announcement about the fourth robot. Following the announcement, the ground began to tremble with heavy footsteps. Katsuki got on top of a building to get a better view and from not that far of distance, spotted the ginormous machinery.

Recalling that it was only going to serve as a distraction he didn't pay any mind to it and instead charged towards some robots that were near it. Since they were so close to the giant walking machine, he assumed their would be less competition for them.

However, he was only half right when he saw that some others took the same action. Never the matter, he only needed to be faster than them. When attacking them, he saw a mixture of different quirks in action. Some man shooting tape from his arms to wrap it around the robots then destroy them. Another had bruteforced through the machines and destoryed them with ease. Then he saw that there was one girl who had touched multiple robots which proceeded to float into the air. After awhile the robots suddenly dropped.

But they could only take advantage from these robots for not much longer. The giant robot had found its way to them and began to attack. Starting by running its gigantic arm through the building spreading the rubble from it towards the examinees. Luckily many of them manged to react and evacuate the area.

But not Katsuki, there was still some robots remaining near the area and decided to focus on them. He began charging towards a three pointer and soon realized some other yellow haired examinee was charging towards the same one. He seemed to have an electric quirk ready to strike with and had a look of desperation on his face. Katsuki knew he had the speed to beat him do he didn't worry much.

At least that was until he heard a sudden shout for help. Katsuki looked to his side. He saw that the same girl with the gravity quirk had a piece of rubble fall on her legs, trapping her as the mounting robot approached closer to her. With a short mental battle on what choice to make, he ultimately changed his trajectory towards that girl, leaving the electricity covered boy to destroy the three pointer robot.

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