Chapter 5- Path to a Real Family

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During the same day where Katsuki had finally confronted Izuku, things would definitely start to change far more faster than Izuku expected. When they went back, Katsuki had taken the seat next to Izuku's in the back. He made look so casual like, as if he always sat there since the start of the year.

"Hey, um Bakugou, your in my seat" said the boy that originally sat there.

"Yeah? Well now I'm sitting here for the rest of the year, go take mine. All your stuff are alrady moved to my desk" said Katsuki sounding only a little tint of rude.

"What?" Said the boy confused.

The teacher then entered the classroom calling for everyone to be at their seats. The boy tried to tell the teacher to order Katsuki off their seat, but to no avail. The teacher simply didn't care and told him to take the open seat. So with Katsuki having his way at the end, the hoy left to take his new seat. The whole ordeal left Izuku feeling confused but also finding it a little comical.

However, he mostly kept that feeling to himself. He could tell how Katsuki was trying to keep his rudeness on watch. The class would still proceed as normal though. And like the past times, Izuku would mostly wound up asleep. Luckily for him, he had the seat at the back of the class where the teacher couldn't notice him, not that he'd care anyways.

School was finally coming to an end with Izuku having slept through most of his classes at the end. Meanwhile, Katsuki was actually concentrating on the lectures the teachers gave and was writing down notes. Katsuki was packing his back whike everyone else began to exit the classroom. He then looked to Izukh next to him seeing that he was asleep. Rolling his eyes, he walked over to wake him up.

He began to tap on his shoulder while telling him to wake up and that class ended. But that wasn't enough to wake him, he was surprisingly in a deep sleep. Getting a bit irriated from the fact that he didn't wake up, Katsuki would begin to shake him more and more until he woke up. And after a few seconds Izuku would finally wake up and jumped back, backing away from Katsuki and into the corner of his chair.

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked Katsuki startled from Izuku's sudden jump from his sleep.

Izuku looked around, realizing that everyone had left and it was ontl the two of them in the classroom. For some reason, he was breathing a bit heavily and found himself feeling a bit tense and on edge. It took him a few seconds before he realized Katsuki was speaking to him.

"Midoriya!" Exclaimed Katsuki

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine!... just, felt really tired I guess" said Izuku still feeling confused.

"What time did you sleep?" Asked Katsuki.

"I don't know, like 1AM?" Said Izuku trying to recall.

"Well no damn wonder your tired, find a better time to sleep. You missed all the lectures of the last three classes" said Katsuki.

Despite Izuku being stuck in deep thought of why he was feeling so tired, all of it suddenly dropped when he took a second to realize what Katsuki said.

"Wait...since when do you care about the lectures?" Said Izuku looking at him confused.

Showing signs of a slight trigger, he tried to not lash out at Izuku. Which he managed to do so by taking a deep breath. He grabbed Izuku's backpack and tossed it to Izuku but not roughly, slightly surprising Izuku.

"Come on, let's go already!" Said Katsuki as he began to walk out the classroom.

With that, Izuku grabbed all of his things and began to wall out of the classroom with Katsuki. It almost felt unreal that the two were even walking beside each other after so many years. The two were already halfway home, but it's been a bit of a silent walk.

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