Chapter 12- Late Reawakening

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"Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!...what is it you need young Bakugou!" Exclaimed All Might throughout the office room.

"Can you please keep it down, some of us got work to do" said Aizawa from the other side of the room.

"Sorry! So what is it young Bakugou?" said All Might whisperingly.

"I want some advice and to hear some pointers on what I can improve on" said Katsuki.

"Ah, you seek improvement...hmm. well it's clear as day that you're already at a good level in combat experience and quick tactics, as you demonstrated today" explained All Might. "The truth is... I Don't Know"

"Seriously!?" Exclaimed Katsuki.

"Young Bakugou, I admire your drive but the truth is the hero path is formed steadily with progress. There is no rush, especially only on your second day. So please, have patience" spoke All Might sincerely.

"I get that, but... I just I need to improve as fast as I can, not just for me, but for someone else" said Katsuki determined.

"You have to improve fast... Is that right?"

Said Aizawa standing from his desk and giving a serious stare towards Katsuki. All Might then had a look of worry on his face, having an idea of what Aizawa would say.

"Well I got some pointers for you. One, you don't know how to properly save someone right, if we're going off by your last performance in the entrance exam. Two, you haven't used your quirk to its fullest, you are limited right now. Three, even though you have good combat capabilities, you're easily predictable right now. Is that good enough for you?" Said Aizawa as he approached them closer.

Katsuki was left with no words by then end. He realized that All Might was right about this. Katsuki wishes he could better himself easily, but there's still so much left to cover.

"Yes...I'm sorry for the inconvenience" said Katsuki bowing before exiting the room.

"You're always so hard on them" said All Might.

"Better to tell them the truth than allowing them to be careless out there. Now get back to work" said Aizawa going back to his desk.

With that, Katsuki was walking toward the metro. As he walked back, he began to think everything over. He really did believe he can improve faster if he had good reasons. Wanting to live up to someone, to the people he cares about most. But, iit won't be that easy.

"Man...another day of not walking back with you, Izuku, sorry" said Katsuki looking at the night sky.


Katsuki swung open the door, entering and loosing his shoes near the doorstep. He shut the door behind him with an easy swing. With the door closed quietly, Katsuki announced to his family that he returned.

"Hey I'm back!" Shouted Katsuki.

"Welcome back my late son!" Shouted back Mitsuki.

"Look, I had to stay back some hero stuff alright!" Exclaimed Katsuki back.

"Well you could at least shoot a messageonce in a while!" Said Mitzuki entering the entrance room.

"Well I told Izuku. I'm sure that was enough" said Katsuki hanging hid backpack next to Izuku's.

Mitzuki walked up to Katsuki and began to pull on his ear playfully but still stinging a bit.

"Agh, what the hell?" Reacted Katsuki.

"Still, one message doesn't hurt" said Mitzuki changing her playful glare to a smile and releasing his ear. "Now go change and come back down. Dinner will be ready soon"

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