Chapter 9- The Naive Fool

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The next day arrived feeling so sudden as Izuku and Katsuki were already walking to the metro heading on their way to their schools. But on the way they, Katsuki eventually decided to confront Izuku about something that's been bothering him since last night.

"Hey Izuku, can I ask you something?" Asked Katsuki.

"Sure, what is it?" Replied Izuku.

"Am I right to assume that you didn't tell those new kids you met that you're quirkless?" Asked Katsuki with no hesitation.

Once the entire question registered into his head, Izuku stopped walking. He should have realized that Katsuki would easily figure out that he skipped that part when he told everyone at dinner about his first day at school. By now, Katsuki already knew he was right after witnessing his reaction to the question. He could only let out a concealed sigh of frustration.

"I mean, I...I just think that this might be different" said Izuku with some unsure optimism.

"Listen Izuku, I'm gonna keep it real with you. You're helpless when it comes to socializing with new people, you'll often leave yourself vulnerable to everything and everyone. I'll admit, a lot of is honestly me and my parent's fault because we've kept you at our arms reach for all of your life with us. I guess I can't help but feel worried. So please, Izuku, be careful with who you want to trust" said Katsuki speaking genuinely.

Izuku didn't know how to reply back. He made attempts to say something back but he just couldn't find the right words to say. After thinking for a few seconds, Izuku finally replied back.

"I hear you Katsuki,'m sorry, I don't know know what else to say other then sorry and..." said Izuku.

Katsuki let out another sigh before walking up to Izuku and resting his hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything or say anything right now, I just needed you to hear me, alright?" Said Katsuki wanting to ease Izuku's tension.

"Alright" simply replied back Izuku.

"Now come on, we gotta hurry or you'll miss your train" said Katsuki as the two continued making their way.

As Izuku chased Katsuki behind him, Izuku really took a moment to realize his whole life over again. Izuku feels like he's falling g behind Katsuki. Katsuki isn't nothing like he used to be, his past self wouldn't even believe that this is the new Katsuki he knows, someone genuine and Izuku's only closest friend. Izuku needed to catch up once more.

Izuku dismissed himself from Katsuki as the train to UA arrived. Katsuki did the same and got on the train. As he stood on the moving train, he thought back to what he said to Izuku, hoping, wondering if he said the right things.

'Izuku, I know you better than anyone else. You think you're weak and that you're falling behind, but you're not. You've been next to me this entire time, as my equal, no competition between us. You're my brother after all. I want you to learn more about yourself on your own, but I also want you to know you can trust me, with anything' thought Katsuki letting out a chuckle to himself. 'Heh, I should've told you this instead, huh?'

Izuku walked through the gates of his school. The entire way to his school, he was thinking back to everything Katsuki had told him. Why does it feel like Katsuki knows more about him than himself. Now Izuku is stuck wondering how he'll deal with the situation with the new three people he met. Cutting them off would be too sudden and suspicious, most likely giving him a bad name in the class as well.

Should he continue talking to them to see if he can truly trust them? Maybe they actually are kind individuals and Izuku is just jumping to conclusions. Wait, would assuming the best option also be jumping to conclusions? Izuku continued the mental battle in his head and didn't know what resolution to choose.

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