Chapter 8- New Sense of M̶i̶s̶e̶r̶y̶ Purpose

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Izuku was nearly reaching the metro station on a surprisingly good mood. His first day was went nothing the way he expected it to go. For his three years of school, he wasn't planning on making friends. He wanted to spend his years focusing on himself and finding himself a path to take, one that could help others. Bit meeting new people is inevitable.

Izuku then checked the time and realized that his train was about to depart. With the sudden realization Izuku panicked and began to run towards the station. With only a few minutes to spare, Izuku made it to the station out of breath. Exhausted, he dropped to the seat with his backpack next to him. He looked out the window as the train started up and began moving.

Suddenly, Izuku felt a vibration coming from his phone and pulled it out to see what it was. The phone vibrated in his hands again as another message was sent to him by Katsuki. Izuku unlocked his phone to see the messages and read them.

Katsuki: Hey, hust wanted to let u know I won't meet u in the station
I have to stay here for a while longer

Izuku: Alr, did something happen?

Katsuki: I'll tell you when I get back

Izuku: Ok then

Katsuki: alr get home safe

Izuku chuckled to himself reading his last message sent. Back then, in junior high there was times where Izuku left school later or earlier than Bakugou. And in one of those times, Izuku got jumped by some old bullies. They left him injured badly since Bakugou was always there to fend off the bullies. So they took it all out the time Izuku was left alone. After that, Bakugou always walked back with Izuku.

Even now, Izuku could tell Katsuki is worried about him 24/7. He doesn't blame him though. However, he just hopes that his worry over Izuku doesn't distract him from his path as a hero. But this also means Izuku will be left behind. As a pro hero, Katsuki will have bigger responsibilities to deal with, much more important responsibilities than Izuku. Izuku knows that he needs to figure out what to pursue or else he'll truly get left behind.

As his thoughts continued to ramble on, the train had finally come to his stop. Izuku got up grabbing his backpack and walked out as the speakers said their next destination. It was mostly a silent walk back to his house. He didn't even see any heroes or villains, just people doing their own things. That was until Izuku was walking pass by a familiar park. It was the same one Izuku was beat up in. And in the same park, Izuku saw the same scenario happening again.

Izuku rushed to see that a kid was getting beat up by another group of three. The kid was in the ground crunched up to protect himself even a little. Tears and shouts of pain escaped the little boy while the other three cackled as they continued their senseless besting.

"Hey that's enough!" Izuku yelled as he pushed three bullies lightly away from the injured boy.

The little boy was still shaking from the pain and fear on the ground. Covered in bruises and injuries from a besting that looked like it's been going on for awhile. Izuku kneeled down to check on the kid while the other three bullies simply watched in disgust. With no hesitation Izuku picked the boy up. The boy winced as he was picked up. Before Izuku walked away he turned to the three boys.

"Why'd you do it..." he asked.

"Because he's a quirless freak, the lowest of the low" spoke one of the boys while the other two agreed.

Izuku didn't say anything back, he was simply angered and disappointed. This was so painful to watch and hear to. Izuku couldn't help but feel a strong and dark sense of misery. At that moment, Izuku felt something he hasn't felt in a long time, that old yet familiar feeling. Something that went by the name of misery.

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