part 5 : Uncertain

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**Ellises Residence

Devale made his way back to door ,he push his keys in making sure not to make any noise when he open the door the noises got louder , he took his shoes off and made his way towards the noise ,the closer he gets the more heated he gets but he was confused because the noise was coming from the guess room which is strange cause they haven't used that room in months ....when he got to the room he kicked the door in firing off two rounds

Tori : wtf bro

Devale : What the hell Tt

Tori : Put that fucking gun away bro

* Darius was on the ground panting for breathe

Tori : Am sorry baby ,it's just my damn brother

Devale : How the hell did you get in here Tt

Tori : Kay was here

Devale : Where is she ?

Tori : She left after she got a call

Devale : Call from who

Tori : The bitch is your wife why the fuck you asking me

Devale : Watch your fucking mouth tori

Tori : Oh my bad your precious little angle left to go meet some friend

Devale : An you decided to fuck in my house bruh

Tori : I didn't know you was coming home now

Devale : Man am gotta here

* Devale leave the room ,and try to call kay but here phone went to vm he check the time and it was 8pm ....he went to see if she cooked and she did make dinner as promise ...he hot his food up and take it to his room

     ** Young's residence

Crystal just finished doing her night time rountie ,an was now making her self comfortable on the couch with a glass of wine ,she try to drink it but for some reason her stomach wasn't having it so she settled for a bottle of water ......she try to call David but that was a no go she waited up for him but feel asleep on the couch

   The next morning

David knew he fucked up last night so he was up making breakfast for crystal like he normally does every time he fucked up ,that was his was of saying sorry ,and it always works but this morning crystal wasn't in the best of moods she was feeling under the weather and she knew david was going to try and apologize with breakfast ....right after he got up she did too unknown to him .....she was doing her final touches on her make up she put her shoes on and made her way downstairs ...and just like she predicted he was making breakfast

David : Hey baby good morning

Crystal : Silent

David : What i do now

Crystal : Still silent

David : So you just gone ignore me

* Crystal just looking at him while packing her work bag with her case files

David : You early for work today i thought you had like 2 hours its only 6

* Crystal still silent

David : I dont know why your ignoring me ,but i made you breakfast

* Crystal just looked at him  she grab her ,purse ,phone and car keys and was out the door leaving david there looking dumb asf .....he try to run after her but she was already out the door by the time he was outside she was already half way out the driveway

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