chapter 14 : Regretts

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The youngs mansion

They both are still into the kiss since crystal was so caught up she didn't realize that he took off her jersey ...when he started sucking on her breast she stop him

Crystal : Wait ! wait !

David : I'm sorry did i hurt you

Crystal : No we can't do this

David : Why not baby please

Crystal : Sex is not going to fix us david

David : Okay fine

Crystal : I gotta get to work ....she lied

David : Okay ill call devale and see if they free for dinner

Crystal : Okay

    Back over at the Ellises

Khadeen : Fuck baby shit

Devale : Ride this dick baby fuck

Kahadeen : Am cummminnn

Devale : Come on this dick baby fuck


Khadeen : Damn you haven't fucked me like that in a while

Devale : Fuck

Khadeen : What's wrong

Devale : Nothing ummm i forgot about this meeting

Khadeen : Okay ,let me finish breakfast....your phone is ringing

Devale : Okay

* Khadeen made her way back to the kitchen to finish breakfast ...devale grabbed his phone and saw it was david an a wave of guilt wash over him cause he wasn't ready to face crystal ....but he answer anyway and agreed to dinner

Khadeen : Who was that

Devale : David the guy you met at the game

Kahdeen : Why is he calling you

Devale : He invited us to dinner tonight he said his wife told him to invite us

Khadeen : That's strange

Devale : You dont wanna go

Khadeen : Yeah we can go she cool

Devale : Okay dinner at 7

* Devale went to the bathroom an cry his eyes out he can't believe he let him self get so weak
A few hours went by an crystal did made it to work cause kj needed her for an important meeting she texted devale to let him know that they gotta cancel lunch cause she was going to be busy ....he was glade cause he wasn't ready to face her ...She did manage to make it through the meeting without throwing up thought she was a little nauseous the sparkling water help her

Kj : Damn i thought that meeting wasnt going to end

Crystal : girl i was ready to throw up

Kj : awww are you feeling okay

Crystal : Yeah am good ,my feet hurts

Kj : Your ass shouldn't be wearing heels

Crystal : Am not even showing yet

Kj : For them you not but for me you are that little bump is visible.

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