chapter 18 : first day

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   Crystal Castle house

Jordan : Good morning baby

Crystal : Hey babe good morning

Jordan : Damn baby what time did you get up

Crystal : 5:30 ,i wanted to get jellybean ready for school early

Jordan : What ?

Crystal : Its jellybean first day of school ,an i also return to work today so i wanna get there by 7

Jordan : Shit i forget school reopen today  , I'll go wake her up

Jellybean : Am already up ....she said coming down the stairs

Crystal  : You okay okay

Jellybean : I dont wanna go to school today

Crystal : Why not ? its your first day .

Jellybean : What if the kids make fun of me " sad face "

Crystal : They won't jellybean its a really good school your gonna make new friends an they are going to love you

Jellybean : Okay if you say so

* Crystal got jellbean ready for school ,but she couldn't stop her self from crying her baby has grown up so fast

Jellybean : Can i get the messy bun

Crystal : You an this damn messy bun

Jellybean : I want my edges like yours

Fatima : What you know about edge's

Jellybean : I got a queen for a mom " laughing"

Jordan : God gives me strength as she goes out into this world " laughing "

* Crystal finished up with jellybean hair ,an she got her dress for school her lunch pack an book bag has already been packed

Crystal : You look pretty in your uniform

Jellybean : Thanks mom i actually like it

Jordan : Is that my babies

Jellybean : You like daddy

Jordan : You look beautiful

Jellybean : Thanks daddy

Jordan : Okay baby ill see you after work , ummmm can you meet me somewhere at 4

Crystal : Yeah i can do that ,but where are we going ?

Jordan : Its a surprise, ill send you the address

Jellybean. : Can i come too

Jordan : Sure mommy will bring you after school

* Jordan give Crystal an jellybean a kiss as they went there separate ways

      [   success elementary  ]

Jellybean : Here we go

Crystal : Dont do that your going to do fine

Jellybean : Easy for you to say

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