Chapter 17 : Long lost love

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Crystal : Kj

Kj : That's devale real estate company

Crystal : What the fuck Kj , why didn't you tell me he was a real estate agent

Kj : I'm sorry was i suppose to tell you everything about his life ,besides everytime i try to bring him up you would shut me down

Crystal : Fuck

Kj : Besides i thought y'all was living together

Crystal : No we not ,am not ready

Kj : Y'all been together for three years , what's the hold up ?

Crystal : Silent

Kj : Crys .....ummmm are you having second thought

Crystal : I ...CUT OFF

Jellybean : Mom am hungry where is daddy ?

Crystal : ill call him now baby

        |  C & D real estate |

Cassidy : Hey baby , you ready ?

Devale : No babe i got one more meeting

Cassidy : This late its 5 , you normally off at 5

Devale : I know babe but he needs this place in an urgency i promise it wont take long

Cassidy : Okay baby I'll just go home an get dinner started

Devale : You not waiting for me " puppy dog eyes "

Cassidy : Oh god i swear you act just like a baby

Devale : Sepaking of baby ,How about we start working on one of our own ( kissing on her neck )

Cassidy : I like the of that Mr Ellis

Devale : Its a date then Mrs Ellis

Cassidy : Hmmm its got a nice ring to it , i gotta go get some thing from the grocery store ill be right back babe

Devale : I thought we was going together

Cassidy : That was before you had a late meeting

Devale : Okay fine but don't go home without me

Cassidy : I won't babe love you

Devale : Love you too baby drive safe

Cassidy : Always

Brian : Look at you

Cassidy : Hey brian

Brian : Hey cassidy

Devale: Sup man ....they damp up

Brian : Y'all set a date yet ?

Devale : Yeah October 18

Brian : Why your ass gotta be so petty

Devale : What ?

Brian : That's crystal birthday

Devale : Shit I forget about that

Brian : No your ass didn't you name this company after y'all

Devale : No its name after an my fiance

Brian : You met her two years ago ,you build this right after your divorce with khadeen

Devale : Its cassidy an i initial

Brian : What ever makes you sleep at night bro

Devale : Why you here bro

Brian : Last time i checked i work here

Devale : What ever bro

Brian : Have you though about reaching out to her

Devale : " sighs" I mean i wanna met my child but i get why she left

Brian : Does she Know?

Devale : No

Brian : Wtf bro ,you getting married an she doesn't know you have a kid

Devale : I mean its been 5 years i dont think she's coming back

Brian : You still got a child out there D

Devale : I know man everytime i try to tell her ,i froze man its my fault my child not apart of my life man

Maze ( devale assistant ) : Mr Ellis your last appointment is her

Devale : Send him in please

Brian : Later bro

Devale : yeah man

Jordan : Hi am jordan Watson

Devale : Hey man have a seat

Jordan : Thanks man

Devale : Okay i emailed you a few houses

Jordan : Ummm sorrry i haven't checked my email my family an i just got here

Devale : Oh you looking for a family house

Jordan : No just for me

Devale : Okay here's a few

* Jordan took the Ipad from zac to look through the pictures ,he put his phone down face up just then it ring an crystal picture show up .....An devale felt like his heart drop out his body

Jordan : I'm sorry i gotta take this

*Devale zoned

Jordan : Mr Ellis

Devale : Am sorry its okay

* Jordan step aside to take the call from crystal an devale was left with his thought's

  5 minutes later

Jordan : Am sorry about that

Devale : Its cool man

* they went through the pictures together an Jordan found a house that suits his budget an his liking ,he told devale he want to see it which is schedule for tomorrow , just as he was about to leave cassidy walked in

Jordan : CASSIDY !!

Cassidy : JORDAN !!

       |Crystal House |

Crystal : Hey babe

Jordan : Hey baby sorry i took so long

Jellybean : Daddy am hungry

Jordan : Am sorry baby

Jellybean : That will cost you

Jordan : Fine ! What you want?

Jellybean : Pizza

Jordan : Tomorrow baby

Jellybean : Deal

Crystal : Hmmmm what do i get " seductively "

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