Chapter 9 : Doctor's appointment

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The young's

David : Good morning baby

*Crystal silent

David : Am tired of your fucking attitude

* crystal still silent getting ready for work

David : Is this what we are now

Crystal : Its funny you said we ,But they  haven't been a we in a long time

David : What is that supposed to me

Crystal : Where were you last night you came home 1:15

David :  I was at the bar with chris

Crystal : That's strange cause he was here looking for you

David : Ummmm yeah he call me and i told him where i was

Crystal : Hmmmmm

David : What time is your appointment

Crystal : Why ?

David : What kind of question is that crystal

Crystal : Are you coming with me ?

David : I gotta work Crystal

Crystal : Then why the fuck are you asking

David : I was going to take time off crystal

Crystal : Its at 11 at Emory....she walked out slamming the bedroom door

* David Just shake his head

     The Ellises

Davale : Whag time is your appointment

Khadeen : 10:30

Devale : Okay you going Emory or Piedmont

Khadeen : I was thinking Piedmont

Devale : Okay ,i gotta go but ill meet you there

Khadeen : Okay


Kj : Hey girl

Crystal : Hey

Kj : How do you feel

Crystal : Better than yesterday i guess

Kj : okay how about you relax ,an ill go deal with this case then we will leave out for your appointment

Crystal : Thanks girl cause my feet hurts

Kj : I got you ....your phone

Crystal : Its devale

Kj : Are you answer him

Crystal : Yeah i will

Kj : Okay ill go so you can do that

Crystal : Okay girl...... Hey

Devale : hey baby good morning

Crystal : Hey babe

Devale : Have you eaten this morning

Crystal : No

Devale : Why not Crystal

Crystal : Because this child doesn't seems to like anything i eat

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