Chapter 27 : Meeting my daughter !

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One hour later ........

When the arrive at the house Jordan car was still there which indecates that he was there crystal told kj to stay in the car considering her condition and she agrees , jellybean was looking out the window when she saw the car Approaching she waited to see who it was an she saw her mom came out the car ,she try to run outside but what she say made her do a U turn

* Jordan and cassidy was on the kitchen counter having a full blown make out session when devale kicked in the door catching them in the act

Crystal : Is this your fiance?

Cassidy & Jordan : I can explain.....they both said at the same time to their spouse

Tyler : Who finance ?

Crystal : Devale

Devale : Was my fiance.....he corrected crystal

Cassidy : just let meexplain i promise its not what it looks like ?

Crystal : Did you two plan to kidnapped my daughter ?

* Before cassidy could respond crystal grab her by the hair and devale didn't even try an stop her ...cassidy was trying to talk but crystal was giving her blow after blow

Jellybean : Mommy stop ....she yell from the bedroom door bringing crystal back to reality

Cassidy : I didnt have anything to do with your daughter ,i didn't even know she was here .....she finally spoke in between short breaths

Devale : Where's my daughter ? He asked because he didn't see her they just heard her voice

Jordan : Nigga she ain't your fucking daughter

Devale : " laughing " Is your DNA flowing throw her vains?

Jordan : That don't mean shit your just a sperm dooner right baby .....looking at crystal

Devale : You told him that ?

Jordan : Yes she did

* Devale watch crystal as the tears fall  

Crystal : Jordan i never talked about devale with you , why are you lying?

Devale : Where's my fucking daughter?

* He yelled jumping everyone in the room ,just as jellybean was coming down the steps an Jordan grab her

Jellybean : Mommy " crying "

Crystal : What tf are you doing let my daughter go

Jordan : She's not going anywhere

* In that moment devale blank out and ran up on Jordan he grab jellybean from his hands making sure not to hurt her as soon as she was free she ran to crystal and devale now had jordan in a chokehold giving him blow after blow

Cassidy : Baby stop your gonna kill him ....she yelled to devale which was pointless

Devale : You " punch " Kidnapped " punch " My " punch " Fucking " punch " Daughter " punch " .....
Devale was seeing red the was no stopping him well only one person can ....cassidy was screaming for devale to stop but he wasn't hearing her .....jordan was laying on the ground in a pool of blood unconscious and unresponsive , devale white jersey was now red ......crystal was so caught up with jellybean she didn't realize what was going on

* Jellybean saw the blood and started screaming bringing everyone attention to devale and jordan

Crystal : shit take her to kj.....she yelled to Tyler

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