Chapter 20 : Mixed Emotions

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Its the next morning and Crystal was still asleep ,since she didn't go to bed until 5am

Jellybean : where is mommy ?

Jordan : She's still asleep bean

Jellybean : How come ,she's always up early

* Truth is he dont know where Crystal is cause when he got up she wasn't in bed

Jordan : She's tired baby ,How about i take you to school today

Jellybean : " excited " Okay

* jordan got jellybean ready for school ,then he made her breakfast and they was out the door in an hour ,he dropped her off and called crystal but got no answer ....He wanted to go back home but he was running late for work and it was his first day so he left her a message

1 hour later crystal was now waking up she ran to get jellybean ready for school but she was already gone ,she checked her phone and see that it was 8am ...she checked to see if she got any calls or text from devale but she didn't only form jordan she read his messages listen to the voicemail and just roll her eyes and put her phone back down without replying to him .....she went back to her home office and open up the box once again as the tears started flowing .....After thirty minutes she put the pictures back in the box and put it in her safe ,she went and did her morning routine and decided to do a half day work at the office

   The hospital

Jordan first day was going great ,but his mine was on crystal he was on his lunch break and he decided to call Crystal when he bumped into someone

Cassidy : Am sorry i wasn't...........Jordan ?

Jordan : Hey cass

Cassidy : You work here?

Jordan : Yeah its my first day

Cassidy : this can't be happening

Jordan : Wait you work here too

Cassidy : Yea i do i started a few months ago

Jordan : Wow you did it .

Cassidy : Yeah after we break up i thought why not go for it

Jordan : I see

Cassidy : I see you made it too

Jordan : Yeah i did

Cassidy : Its funny how we both did what we said we would do an some how ended up in the same city

Jordan : Yeah i know its crazy ,except one of us is engaged

Cassidy : Yeah ummmm

Jordan : No need , congratulations .

Cassidy : Thank i guess

Jordan : Are you not happy?

Cassidy : Silent

Dr Martin : Cassidy i need you in room 4

Cassidy : Okay ! Ummm i gotta go

Jordan : Okay ill see you around

       The lawfirm

Kj : Sup crys

Crystal : nothing am fine

Ku : You been silent all day

Crystal : I ran into devale yesterday

Kj : Oh shit ,how did that go

Crystal : Not good

* tells her the story

Kj : Damn

Crystal : What is it?

Kj : You want work kj ,or you want the real kj

Crystal : Girl give me the real

Kj : Are you still inlove with him ?

Crystal : Silent

Kj : Crystal.

Crystal : I dont know kj ,my emotions are all over the place lately

Kj : Well then why dont you want him to see jellybean

Crystal : Why should i kj ? He denied my baby " teary eye "

Kj : I know that but she dont deserve to pay for his mistakes ,Jordan is a great dad but she deserves to know her real dad ...i mean you dont want her to grow up and hate you for keeping her away from her dad

Crystal : I know but am not ready

Kj : Its no pressure just think about it

Crystal : I open the box last night

Kj : Crystal

Crystal : I miss him okay ,that box has all the happy times that we spend together

Kj : What are you going to do ?

Crystal : Ill think about letting him meet her

Kj : Okay but you need to get your feelings in check ,before jordan starts asking questions

Crystal : I know , i know

A few hours went by and it was the end of the work day ,crystal decided to stop at target and get something's so she can make dinner .... Jordan and jellybean was already home waiting for her ....she made it home in an hour and Jordan helped her get the bags from the car and took them inside

They made dinner as a family like they normally does they eat together and wash the dishes together then she got jellybean ready for bed

     Crystal bedroom

Jordan : You seems better today

Crystal : I am

Jordan : Where were you last night ?

Crystal : Oh ummmm i couldn't sleep so i went to the office to get some work done

Jordan : That late

Crystal : Not the office ,office ...the home office

Jordan : Oh okay

Crystal : Sorry i slept in

Jordan : its okay baby

* He walked up to her and kiss her and she turned it into a passionate kiss

Crystal : Ummmmm

Jordan : I miss you all day

Crystal : I miss you too

* He took her over size T shirt off and she was in her panties alone ,he took her to the bed and trail kisses all over her body he rub his hands on her clit and for some reason she wasn't wet

Jordan : Are you okay ?

Crystal : Yeah , why ?

Jordan : Your not even wet

Crystal : Silent

Jordan : What's going on crys

Crystal : Nothing baby am fine ,she pulled him into a kiss and she was trying her hardest to get into it but it wasn't working

Jordan : Hmmmm you smell so good

Crystal : Thanks baby " tears falling "

Jordan : I love you Crystal !!

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