Chapter 21 : Old Encounters

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Today is Sunday an Crystal was doing a little shopping for jellybean school tomorrow ,an also doing some grocery shopping

         Target .......

Jellybean : Mommy can i get a barbie doll

Crystal : Baby you already have so many dolls

Jellybean : Please mommy

Crystal : Let me think about it

Jordan : Come on babe one doll won't hurt

Crystal : See this is why she has so much doll ,cause you can't say no

Jordan : How can i say no to that

* They both look at jellybean who was giving them the puppy dog eyes

Crystal : You should be asking for your school supplies so you can get your home work done ,not a doll

Jellybean : Mommy but I've always done my school work

Crystal : You right baby am sorry

Jellybean : So can I get the doll

Crystal : Let me think about it

Jellybean : "roll her eye's " okay

* Crystal continue with her shopping list she didn't even notice jellybean an jordan ran off to the toy section

Kj : Hey girl

Crystal : Hey girl i didn't know you was here

Kj : Girl I've been out of groceries for a while ...laughing

Crystal : Girl tell me about it

Kj : You okay ?

Crystal : Yeah am good ,why ?

Kj : You put three bottle of ketchup in your cart ,An you an I both know you hate ketchup

Crystal : Girl .....she put back two bottle

Kj : Wait where is bean bean ?

Crystal : She was just here with jordan .....jellybean ?

Kj : They gotta be somewhere

Crystal : i bet its that damn toy section ,he spoil her so much

Kj : Well i mean

Crystal : Your ass do too

Kj : She's my baby so i gotta spoil her , Speaking of baby did you taught about letting d see her

Crystal : I've been thinking about it ,an i gotta talk to jordan about it

Kj : Why you gotta talk to him ?

Crystal : I just don't want him to feel left  ,i mean he's been a great father to her all these years ,an sharing her might hurt him

Kj : Well that's true but she needs to know her real dad ,that don't mean she's gonna love him anyless

Crystal : That's true

Kj : How are you feeling ?

* Crystal tell her what happened between her an jordan

Kj : You was dry ,as in dry ,dry " laughing "

Crystal : Girl i wasn't even turn on ,its like my body was there but my mine wasn't

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