Chapter 19 : Old Wounds

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The room went silent for about 15 minutes , an jellybean was getting scared .

Jellybean : Daddy !!

Jordan : Silent

Jellybean : Mommy!!

Crystal : Silent

* jellybean was now getting frustrated with her parents silence , so she turn to devale who was crying just lost in her beauty , but what confused her the most was , why he look so much like her?

Jellybean : Mommy !

Crystal : "snapping out of it " ummmm yes baby " wiping her tears "

Jellybean : Why are you crying ? An who is he ? An why does he look like me?

Crystal : Ummmm

Jordan : What's going on babe?

Devale : " locking eyes with jellybean " As the tears contiuned to flow all he saw was him an his mom all over again , they was no denying that the little girl before him is his daughter

Crystal : Jordan ,  can you take jellybean to the car please

Jordan : " unsure " Are you sure your okay ?

Crystal : Yes babe am fine

Jodran : Come on baby mommy need to talk to Mr Ellis for a minute

Jellybean : Okay

* They leave out

Devale : Crys am sorry .....was all he manage to say

Crystal : Silent

Devale : I didn't know that was your boyfriend.....I understand if you don't wanna talk to me but I would love to meet my daughter please crys

Crystal : Why ?

Devale : What do you mean , why?

Crystal : You wanna meet the daughter you never wanted?

Devale : That's not fair crys , you never give me the chance to explain

Crystal : Explain ? I believe you made it clear when you said " I was having doubts about the baby "

Devale : Silent

Crystal : Stay away from me an my daughter , she don't need you she has a father. I don't need you to confused her 

Devale : Please don't do this crys " crying " I never meant to hurt you or our daughter

Crystal : But you did , not once have you try to stop me from leaving or even look for us " crying " I needed you but you wasn't there

Devale : You told me you hate me , You said you regretted the day you met me that I should stay outta your life

Crystal : So your solution was to get back with khadeen

Devale : I though the baby was mine

Crystal : " laughing " You was so sure that the baby wasn't yours , but after y'all fuck you was having seconds thougs about minds , An you claim hers

Devale : Silent

Crystal : Like I said my daughter has a father , she don't need you an neither do I

Devale : " hurt " I know I wasn't there when you both needed me , an from the looks of it you both has done a great job raising her " voice cracking " I promise to stay away I already cause you both alot of pain " tears falling " Am not trying to ruin your life or hers I just wanna make up for last time ....But I'll respect your decision after all I give up my rights the day I denied her .....You right about one thing she don't need me she's better off without me " wiping his tears as they fall heavy " All I ask is for you to give me one chance to meet her you don't have to tell her am her dad i dont deserve that title , I can be an old friend just wanna say hi " voice craking " please crys after that I'll leave an stay away for good .Here are the documents for the house I know you're still a lawyer so you can look over the contract before he sign I'll have him transfer to another Realtor ......He walks away but stop an look back at her .......For what its worth I never stop loving you or our baby I though about looking for you but I knew you hated me an I didn't wanna cause you or the baby any stress so I stay away to give you your space not a day goes by that I didn't think about you an our baby

* Devale walked out before crystal could say anything , she was trying not to break down cause she knew Jordan  an jellybean would come in once they saw devale leave .....An just like clock work jellybean came running in with jordan behind Ber

Jordan : Are you okay

Crystal : Yeah am good " fake smile " here he said you can have your lawyer look them over

Jordan : That was him wasn't it ?

Jellybean ; Mommy you promise we can go to target

Crystal : We are baby let's go

* The made their way to target the drive was silent , jellybean was just excited crystal was zoned out the old time so jellybean bought about 3000 worth in toys she didn't need ....they made it home in about two hours crystal was still not talking , she got jellybean dinner , then a bath an she was in bed by 9pm

Jordan : Baby what's going on you've barley said a word to me

Crystal : Am fine just tired

Jordan : Is he jellybean's dad?

Crystal : I said drop it jordan

Jordan : You know what am gone go

Crystal : You don't h......" cut off " she ran to the bathroom throwing up....with jordan behind her

Jordan : Are you okay baby

Crystal : I don't know I've been feeling nauseous all day 

Jordan : Maybe its a stomach bug

Crystal : Maybe " thinking "

Jordan : Listen we Don't have to talk about this tonight , lets go to bed we can talk about it tomorrow

* Crystal was glade cause she didn't feel like talking about it they went to bed

Its now 2am an crystal still couldn't sleep , she look over at jordan who was sound asleep ( he's always been a heavy sleeper ) She came out of his embrace an went to check on jellybean who was sleeping peacefully .....

She then went to one of the boxes that she hasn't been able to open for the pass six years ....she went to her home office an finally open the box as she lets out the most loudest scream that she's been holding in all day .

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