Chapter 31 : New beginnings

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              **** Three days later

Crystal an devale was home preparing breakfast when she got an alert on her phone from the doctor

Devale : Is that what i think it is?

Crystal : Yep , wanna read it now ?

Devale : Sure i just wanna get this over an done with

Crystal : How about we called david an set up a meeting so we can get this over with

Devale : Sounds good to me

* Crystal call David an set up a meeting an he agreed to meet at a restaurant which is two hours from now , She went back to making breakfast then she got her an jellybean ready an they was out the door

    At the restaurant

Jellybean was laying on devale shoulders asleep cause she was having a little temperature , when the walked in seeing Kay an david already at the table ,Crystal sighs for the conversation ahead of them

David : Hey

Crystal : Hey

Khadeen : Hey devale , not acknowledging Crystal

Devale : You do see my wife standing here right?

Khadeen : Wife ?

Devale : Yes wife as in Mrs Ellis

*Crystal smiing hard asf an her panties was soak

David : Can i see my daughter please?

Crystal : David?

David : What i read the results i couldn't wait for y'all

Devale & Crystal : What?

Khadeen : Bet you regret saying wife now huh ? Laughing

*Crystal could feel devale boring a hold into her head

Devale : Crystal ?

Crystal : Silent

Devale : Wow " holding back tears"

* Crystal knew jellybean is devale 100% so for david to say she's his according to the results had her confused with her brians running in all different directions

Crystal : There has to be a mistake

Khadeen : DNA don't lie its okay to say you trapped my husband

David : Khadeen

Kahdeen : What ? You still involved with this b.....

Devale : I dare you to finish that sentence

Khadeen : Wow you still defending her after hearing what she did , why you think she left you for six years she knew the baby wasn't yours

Crystal : khadeen don't make me beat your ass again

David : Can i see my daughter please

Devale : Nigga she isn't your daughter an you not seeing her

Crystal : Let me call the doctor this has to be a mistake

** Devale took the laptop from crystal an took a seat an open the email ,he smile an told crystal to hang up the phone

Devale : Babe look at this

Crystal : Not now D

Devale : Renee ....he said sternly

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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