Chapter 11 : Trust no one

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Crystal was still processing what devale just ask her

Crystal : What you just say ?

* Devale knew he fucked up cause the look on her face could tell that she didn't knew what he was.... talking about but he needed to make sure that she wasn't in on it cause after finding out the baby is his he's more than ready to risk it all for his family so he decided to asked an anyway

Devale : Did you knew that david was sleeping with khadeen ?

Crystal : Silent

Devale : So you knew

Crystal : What exactly are you asking me devale

Kj : Can y'all calm down....she said entering the car

Devale : I'm sorry kj .....he put the car in drive and pulled off

* 20 minutes later he pulled up to the lawfirm

Devale : Can i talk to crystal for a min please

Kj : Sure ill see you inside girl

Crystal : okay

* Kj leaves out and the car was silent for a minute until d spoke

Devale : Can i take you to lunch

Crystal : I'm not hungry i got a meeting in 20 minutes ....she lied

Devale : Crys don't play with me , your having my baby and your not hungry

Crystal : " rolling her eyes" Your baby

Devale : Yes my baby ...he said proudly

Crystal : What the fuck was that ? She snapped

** Devale knew he was about to break her heart because what khadeen is having with david is all Crystal ever wanted with him

Devale : " sighs" When the doctor asked if you want any pics of the baby for you an david i was pissed i decided to leave the room to cool off on my way out i heard two people arguing i continued walking until i heard a familiar voice " he paused looking at her mood change "

Crystal : Am fine devale continued

Devale : I step back and peek through the door because it was crack open i saw khadeen and david they was arguing about the baby being his

Crystal : Silent

Devale : Crystal

Crystal : So you think i knew about it and was hiding it from you

Devale : Yes .....he said honestly

Crystal : Have i ever lied too you before

Devale : No

Crystal : Have i ever given you any reason to not trust me

Devale : No ....he down his head

Crystal : Yet you sit here an asked me if i had anything to do with your wife being unfaithful .....i found out the same time you did but you don't see me questioning you about it

Devale : Wait what

Crystal : When the doctor left to go get my results she some how ended up in kay room and saw david in there ....that's why she was asking about me and david

Devale : I'm sorry baby i didn't know i was hurt knowing that she lied to me about that being my baby

Crystal : " tears falling " Am hurt too devale but you don't see me accusing you of anything was so quick to doubt me instead of asking me .....he's giving her something he never wanted to give me " voice craking " How do you think i feel ?

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