Part 6 : Game day

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Kj : What does it say ?

Crystal : Silent crying

Kj : I take it they are all positive

*Crystal nods

Kj : Its going to be okay

Crystal : How kj

Kj : We don't have to figure this out today ,lets make a doctors appointment and we will take it from there

Crystal : Silent

Kj : Are you going to tell either of them

Crystal : I can't do that until am sure

Kj : Why don't you take the day off

Crystal : I'm not in the mood for David right now am going to work

Kj : Okay lets go

* Just as promise crystal and kj went to work like nothing happen ,but crystal wasn't feeling too well but she still stayed at work and finished up all her cases ....she didn't talk to devale for the day and that was probably for the best ...she didn't even acknowledge that he hasn't even called her which is strange cause he calls her three times a day ......Its now 5pm and they was both getting ready to leave work

Kj : Hey baby momma how are you feeling

Crystal : Not good i feel nauseous right now

Kj : You never felt anything Before

Crystal : No

Kj : Baby now making it self know

Crystal : I was careful ,how tf did this happen

Kj : Com on crystal dont do that

Crystal : Why now i fucked up ...david is probably gonna destroy my career if this baby is not his if am being honest i dont want to have a baby with him

Kj : You want this to be devale's baby

Crystal : It sounds crazy but i do

Kj : crystal you need to Calm down all this stress can cause you to loose this baby 

Crystal : I make the appointment its on Monday at 11

Kj : We will go together , now let's get you home so you an relax

Crystal : Okay

*1 hour later crystal made it home and David wasn't home and she was happy about that cause she was in no mood to deal with him ....she made it inside and went straight to making dinner ...after she was finish she eat then went upstairs soak in a hot bath

* She sit and cry until the water got cold....she then took a shower and went to bed

      The Ellises

Khadeen : So that's what we doing now

Devale : I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now

Khadeen : Its10pm and your coming in drunk devale

* Devale just ignore her and went to his room to take a shower ,kay storm off to the living room ......Just as her phone was ringing

Khadeen : Hello

David : Hey baby you good

Khadeen : Yeah am good its just been a long day was your day ?

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