Chapter 12 : Suspicious

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Crystal an david as been at the table for the pass 20 minutes an she is yet to eat her food

David : You haven't touched your food ,is everything okay ?

Crystal : Yeah i guess am not hungry ....she lied

* Truth is every time she goes to put the food in her mouth she felt like she's gonna throw up

David : But you need to eat , i can make you something else if you don't want that

Crystal : why are you so bend on gettinge me to eat ,not once have you ask me how was my doctor appointment

David : I'm sorry i just figured you would tell me when you was ready crystal you haven't been talking to me much these days

Crystal : Wow !  Bffr david your the one acting all sneaky an shit around here

David : And what is that supposed to mean

Crystal: you know what i need some air

David : Where are you going crystal its 10pm

Crystal : Don't try to be husband of the year ....she grab her phone an keys an left out the house in her robe an panties on

* Fuck he yelled in frustration as he heard the front door slam......Crystal got in her car driving an crying not knowing where to go she knows kj is probably asleep so she call devale hoping he isnt either

Calling d........

Crystal : Please answer baby ....shit

* She called two more times and got no answer she banged her hands on the steering wheel in frustration just then her phone ring

Crystal : " crying " hello

Devale : Why are you crying baby what's going on is the baby okay , are you okay ...panicking

Crystal : I need you

Devale : Where are you ?

Crystal : Our spot

Devale : Am on my way

* devale was in his man cave which has a door leading to the outisde without being seen ,he made his way out side and took an uber because khadeen would have heard him leave cause he knew she wasn't asleep

       David's pov

Khadeen : Hey baby  did you do it

David : She didn't eat the food

Khadeen :What do you mean she didn't eat

David : I try but she said she wasn't hungry

Khadeen : Do you think she knows

David : No if she did she would have mentioned it

Khadeen : Okay where is she

David : she left to get some air

Khadeen : I need you baby

David : Where is d?

Khadeen : he in his man cave

David : okay I'll b there in 30

Khadeen : You know where to park I'll send you the gate code

David : Okay baby

* David check crystal location but it was off he knew she probably gone by kj so he know she won't be back for about three hours so he had enough time

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