Part 3 : lunch date

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Back to the present

       Young's mansion

David : Hey baby

Crystal : Hey

David : Are you still mad at me

Crystal : Should i be

David : I said i was sorry for missing our date

Crystal : That's your problem david your always sorry am tired of your bullshit

David : Let me make it up too you ....I'll take you to  lunch today

Crystal : Take the bitch you was with last night

David : Come on baby we had a beautiful night last night

Crystal : Just because we fucked dont mean we had a beautiful night

David : Wow so its like that

Crystal : Look i gotta go

* David phone started ringing

Crystal : Are you going to answer that

David : " nervous " Umm no its not important

Crystal : Yeah okay

* The phone ring again

Crystal : Answer the fucking phone david

David : I dont have time for this......he put his hands up walking away with his phone

* Crystal grab her stuff and was out the door slamming it on her way out

      Back in the house

David : Hey mama

Khadeen : Took you long enough

David : Sorry baby i was in the gym

Khadeen  : Hmmmmm getting that body right for me huh

David : Only for you baby

Khadeen  : My husband will be out of town working all day you wanna do lunch

David : Sure baby .....I've been wanting to take you out

Khadeen  : Well today is your lucky day

David : What else am i getting since it my lucky day ....he said seductively

Khadeen  : Anything for you daddy

David : Don't get me started now

Khadeen : What time ?

David : I'll see you at 1 ....I've been wanting to try out this restaurant " Steam plant "

Khadeen : That's a nice spot

David : Okay baby I'll met you there

* When he got off the phone he remembered he promised crystal lunch so he shoot her a text

Wifey ❤💍

Hey baby sorry change of plans i gotta work out of town today ,but ill be home for dinner i love you crys

          Crystal's car

Crystal was listening to some slow jams just to calm her nerves when she heard a notification on her phone she was smiling hard asf until she saw who it was from she ignore it without even bothering to check .....until she heard her phone ringing and her face lit up like a Christmas tree

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