Chapter 26 : Fire & Ice 🔥💦

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The plane .....

Crystal : You wanna talk about it?

Devale : Talk about what?

Crystal : About what jordan said .

Devale : I just wanna focus on finding my daughter

Crystal : Please just......cut off

Devale : Can we talk about this later

Crystal : Sure

•••• 3hrs later the land in Washington DC

    Crystal old house ....

Jellybean : I wanna go home !

Jordan : We will baby

Cassidy : Jordan

Jordan : In here

Cassidy : Hey didn't tell me you had her

Jordan : She's my daughter

Jellybean : You're the lady from the store

Cassidy : Yes i am an you most be jellybean

Jellybean : Why are you in my moms house ?

Jordan : Bean bean stop that

Jellybean : I want my mommy

Jordan : I said you will see her tonight

Jellybean : I want my mommy now

Jordan : Go to your room ... He yelled

Jellybean : I want my real daddy she ran off crying

Jordan : Fuck

Cassidy : What is she doing here ?

Jordan : I told you i needed to talk too you about her

Cassidy : Okay

Jordan : Crystal an i had a fight because her sperms doner wanted to see her an i said no

Cassidy : Why did you say no ?

Jordan : Come on Cass I've raised her since she was born he can't just come an take that away from me

Cassidy : So what's your plan to keep running with her ?

Jordan : No i just need to figure out how to get her legally

Cassidy : Are you even listening to your self Jordan you practically kidnapped that child there's no way you gonna get any legal rights

Jordan : What ? i did not kidnapped her.

Cassidy : You haven't seen the news have you ?

Jordan : No

* Cassidy took out her phone an show him the article of him an jellybean picture

Jordan : Fuck ! why would she do that ?

Cassidy : What did you expect Jordan you took her daughter without her permission

Jordan : She's my daughter too .

Cassidy : Look i don't know what your plan is but i don't want anything to do with it

Jordan : Wtf is that supposed to mean

Cassidy : You call me saying you wanna talk about us ,i was happy to finally get the closure that i needed to moved on you own me that ....but here i am mixed up in your stupid ass plan

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