chapter 25 : Messing with the wrong child

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What was supposed to be a 45 minute drive devale turn into a 20 minute drive ....when he reached crystal house he practically ran out the car leaving the engine on still half dress

Kj : Is that devale " laughing "

Crystal : Wtf where is his clothes " trying not to laugh "

Devale : Did you found her ? He said out of breath cause he practically ran inside the house

* Crystal was too focused on his body it looks better than she remembered

Kj : Focused cyrs

Devale : Crystal

Crystal : Ummmm were your clothes and shoes d

Devale : Oh shit sorry i forgot i wasn't fully dressed and my shoes fuck

* He pulled up his pants and put his shirt on but now he was shoe less

Crystal : I got a slippers you can use

Kj : Are you okay ?

Devale : Yeah , why? " heart beating fast "

Kj : Your car is smoking

Devale : Yeah its the tires i was ummmm speeding

Kj : I can see that you got here in " checking her watch " 20 minutes ,what happened to the remaining 25 minutes

Devale : You got jokes huh

Crystal : Here

Devale : You still got these

Crystal : Yes why wouldn't i

Devale : "smiles" Ummmm what did the police say

Crystal : They haven't called me yet

Devale : " voice cracking " Is he going to hurt her

* Honestly Crystal wasn't sure about anything anymore about Jordan , she's never seen him act the way he did last night

Crystal : No he won't

Devale : Are you trying to convince me or your self ?

Kj : Can we all just take a breath please

Devale : Why did he take her ?

Crystal : Can i talk to him alone for a second

Kj : Yeah i got a few calls to make ....she stepped away

Crystal : Please promise me that you gonna keep an open mind about it

Devale : " sighs" Okay

* Crystal was trying to read his face expression but it was kinda hard since he was staring directly into her soul

Crystal : He and i had a fight last night And ummmm " paused "

Devale : Silent but listening

Crystal : He doesn't want her to meet you

Devale : Still silent

Crystal : I told him your her father and she deserves to know who her father is despite what you and i went through she's innocent and had nothing to do with that ,but he's saying that she doesn't need to know you she already has a father

Devale : Hmmmm

Crystal : Please say something

Devale : " crys " He was trying to choose his words correctly and not use his anger .....I know i wasn't there for you and her when you guys needed me and that was my fault " tears forming " My selfishness made me miss out on five years of my daughters life and i know he's been there for her ....but she's still my daughter and am going fight to be in here life am not trying to take her away from you i just want a change to be the father she needs an deserve ......i know she already has that but he isn't me i don't want her to think that i don't love her because i do ...i search for you guys for 2 years and you didn't make it easy but i shouldn't have stop looking " the tears finally escape " Please just let me be apart of her life even if its just one day of the week with her i just wanna make this right .......I don't need you to lie for me either am gonna tell her the truth on why i wasn't there for you both

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