Chapter 24 : Missing !!

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Crystal forgot about the test after jellybean came in she put in down to talk to her but not once did she look at it to see the results

Crystal : What does it say ?

Jordan : What kind of question is that

Crystal : " sighs " I didn't look at it Jordan

Jordan : Why ?

Crystal : Jellybean came it before i could look at it

Jordan : Its positive

Crystal : Thats not possible " fuck "

Jordan : Wow i expected you to be excited

Crystal : What the fuck is there to be excited about

Jordan : So you dont wanna have my baby

* Truth be told Crystal only wanted to have babies with devale ,after they broke up she promised she won't have anymore kids unless its someone who she really love ,which she knows is impossible cause devale has her heart an she's no where close to giving it to jordan so having a baby with him was never gonna happen she made sure to always take a plan B when ever they would have sex so being pregnant is kinda confusing since she was careful

Jordan : I took your silence as a No " hurt "

Crystal : Am not ready to have a baby jordan

Jordan : So you not keeping it

Crystal : Silent

Jordan : Wow " tears forming " I can't compete with him huh

Crystal : Huh

Jordan : Devale ....he yalled

Crystal : What does he have to do with this ?

Jordan : You can stop pretending crystal , you don't even look at me the same anymore .....I told you i love you an you acted like you didn't even hear me you wanna take the only thing away from me that i love

Crystal : Look am sorry i never meant to hurt you jordan ,but i promise am not taking anything away from you ....i just don't think we're ready for a baby

Jordan : If devale wasn't in the picture ....would you be ready?

Crystal : Silent

Jordan : Wow so you never planned on having anymore kids , did you?

Crystal : No

Jordan : Well you got your wish .....he throw the test at her an left out the room

Crystal : Please don't go

* He pulled his arms away an walked out .....crystal was confused here she was ready to risk it all for a man who's engaged to be married ....Jordan is a good man an a great father to jellybean but no matter how hard she try to love him she just can't ...she picked the test up an see that it was negative she thank god but felt bad for jordan ...she went to check on jellybean who was watching " Barbie "

Crystal : Hey baby you ready for bed

Jellybean : Yes i am

* Crystal give her a bath an read her a bed time story an sing to her like she always does an she fell asleep .....crystal then went back to her room an did her nightly routine ,Now relax on her bed scrolling through IG when she came across devale page she dabated on viewing his page , after a while she said fuck it an view it .....she was surprised that he didn't have no pictures of cassidy on his profile or anything about them being engaged , she scroll through an found a picture with them that brought water to her eyes

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