part 8 : keeping secrets

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Crystal : Silent tears falling

*Devale turn her to the side watching an rubbing her little baby bump that was visible only from the side since the front was flat

Devale : Is it minds ? Tears falling

Crystal : I don't know

Devale : Am guessing you didn't tell him

Crystal : No because.....cut off

Devale : You don't want it to be his

Crystal : Silent

Kj : Okay love birds we got company

Devale : meet me tonight ....he leaves out kissing her on cheeks

Crystal : Who is it ?

Kj : David

David : You okay

Crystal : Yes

David : Am ready to go

Crystal : The game not over yet

David : I know

Crystal : Fine , call me girl

Kj : i will

    Young's mansion

David : Take this

Crystal : For what

David : You've been throwing up since last night and has been moody ever since i thought it was your cycle but it clearly isnt

Crystal : Fine am pregnant david

David : are you keeping it

Crystal : What kind of question is that

David : well you kept it from me for a reason wright

Crystal : I didn't keep it from you i wanted to be sure , i would have told you after my appointment

David : So you was going without me .....he yelled

Crystal : Yes

David : hmmmm okay

* He grab his phone , car keys and leave out

    The Ellises

Devale : Ummmm were you at steam plant monday

Khadeen : No

Devale : You sure ?

Khadeen : Yes d am sure,  why?

Devale : Just asking

Khadeen : " nervous " Ummm okay

Devale: When is your doctor's appointment

Khadeen : Monday

Devale : Okay .....he leave out for his ManCave

     Kay and david

David : Hey baby

Khadeen : Hey

David : How are my babies doing

Khadeen : We good misses you

David : I miss y'all too

Khadeen : Did you ask her

David : Yeah i did

Khadeen : So what are you going to do about it

David : I gotta find a way for her to get rid of it

Khadeen : You better

David : I got us baby you know that

Khadeen : you take care of her and ill take care of him

David : That's why i love you

Khadeen : I love you too ....i gotta go bye

    Crystal & Devake

Crystal : Hey

Devale : Hey baby

Crystal : Sup you don't sound okay

Devale : Am tired of hiding our relationship

Crystal : I know me too

Devale : How are you feeling

Crystal : My throat is sore

Devale : Am sorry baby

Crystal : Its okay am about to go to bed

Devale : I miss you ,i wanna make love too you

Crystal : I miss you too

Devale : Come meet me for 30 minutes

Crystal : I can't d not right now

Devale : Why ? Is he there

Crystal : No he left pissed

Devale : Why

Crystal : Because i didn't tell him i was pregnant

Devale : oh okay

Crystal : I'll talk too you tomorrow

Devale : You really not gone see me

Crystal : I would love too baby but am tired

Devale : ill see you tomorrow

Damn its getting hot in here🔥 so take off all your clothes 😂 😂

How the hell this nigga couldn't tell his wife pregnant ? 🤔 But could tell another woman is 🤔

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