Chapter 13 : Bad decision

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Crystal : Wtf is this nigga for real

* She debated on calling devale but that would only made things worse and she can't afford to loose the man she love's now that they are having a family .....she called him just to make sure hr didn't ran into him

Devale : Hey baby you home yet

Crystal : Ummmm no just wanted to make sure you was okay

Devale : Im good baby ....wait are you still out there

Crystal : Yes

Devale : Crystal

Crystal : Am driving off now

Devale : Am staying on the phone till you get home

Crystal : Okay

* 30 minutes later

Crystal : Am home

Devale : Okay baby i love you

Crystal : I love you too

Crystal went and take a quick shower and did a little routine ..she made her way downstairs for a bottle of water from the fridge just then david was walking in

Crystal : I hope she was worth it

David : What are you talking about crystal

Crystal laughing : You really think am stupid

David : I'm not in the mood for this

Crystal : You could have at least made sure her lipstick wasn't on your shit

* She walked off leaving him stucked

The next morning

Crystal wasn't in the best of moods today baby ellis was giving her a run for her money...she woke up feeling nauseous and tired

Crystal : Damn baby mommy gotta go to work today .....she ran to the bathroom throwing up

David : Are you okay

Crystal : Silent

David : Ill get you some coffee

* Crystal just ignore his comment ,after she finish throwing up she did a little routine and went back to bed and called d

Devale : Good morning baby

Crystal : Your baby is acting up today

Devale : See this is why i need to be there ...fuck

Crystal : Relax am fine babe

* Crystal remember david would walked in anytime so she put her airpods in

Devale : You not fine am missing all your first i should be there going through this experience with you

Crystal : You will am only two months we got 7 months to go

Devale : i Know

David : Baby i got your coffee

Devale : Did that nigga just said baby

* Crystal laughing

David : What are you laughing

Crystal : Nothing

David : I brought you some coffee

Crystal : Hmmmm

* Devale on the phone better not drink that coffee

Crystal : i don't want that my stomach is upset right now

David : It will help i promise

Devale : Crystal

* Crystal was fighting back laughter with devale antics

Crystal : Ill just relax for now

David : You want breakfast

Devale : Didn't that nigga heard you said your fine

Crystal : No am good

David : Really crystal you don't want anything am offering

Crystal : Fine I'll take the breakfast

David : Okay ....he leaves out

Devale : Crystal if you eat that breakfast and anything happens to you or my baby ill killed him

Crystal : Relax baby am not eating anything

Devale : Are you going to work today

Crystal : I want too but i don't feel good

Devale : Your the boss so one day won't hurt

Crystal : Ill go in for half day ....let me call kj

Devale : Call me if you go I'll be here with lunch 

Crystal : Okay bye love you

Devale : Love you too

* She called kj an told her she would be in late .....30 minutes later david he came back with bacons and eggs

David : Here you go baby

Crystal : Thank you

David : Ummmm can we talk when i get home from work

Crystal : Okay ....oh i was thinking you could invite your friend over for dinner

David : Who ?

Crystal : Ummm devale i think his name was i like his wife she seems cool

* David trying not to show his excitement

David : Yeah i can do that ,they cool people

Crystal : Okay how about tonight

David : Are you sure you up for that i can tell baby young giving you a run for your money

* Crystal choke on her water

David : Are you okay

Crystal : Yeah am good

David : You look beautiful this baby got you glowing

Crystal : Thank you

David : Its been a while since i last kissed you

* Before crystal could respond his lips connected with hers and with her sex drive being on 100 she kissed him back

        The Ellises

Khadeen : Good morning baby

Devale : Hey good morning

* Khadeen was in her panties and bra making breakfast devale couldn't help but looked she knew that was his weakness

Khadeen : You know its rude to stare right

* Devale couldn't lie the pregnancy had her glowing ,her ass got bigger and her breasts looks perfect with her little baby bump

Devale : Sorry

Khadeen : Am your wife why are you sorry

Devale : Ummm ill go

Khadeen : Wait

* She walked up to him closing the gap between them pressing on his hard dick

Khadeen : Make love to me its been a while ....kissing on his neck

Devale : Kay stop

Khadeen : Please baby i wanna feel you inside me

Devale got lost an they lips connected as they share a passionate kiss .

Hmmmmm trouble in Paradise they better not fuck them people 😂😂 .....i mean its messy Monday right ! 😂🙆🏼‍♀🤔

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