Chapter 15 : 5 years later

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      |   Washington DC   |

Crystal : Jellybean ( its a nick name )

Jellybean : Am coming mom

Crystal : "Sigh" This damn girl

Jordon : Relax baby we still got time

Crystal : I know babe but i gotta do her hair

Jellybean : Am ready ! Daddy she jump into Jordan's arms

* Crystal always admire the bond the two share

Crystal : Come on baby let me do your hair real quick

Jellybean : Can i get a messy bun ?

Crystal : What's with you an that hairstyle girl " laughing "

Jellybean : You said its always reminds you of someone ,plus it looks cute

Crystal : Fine baby come sit down

Jordan : She got you wrapped around her finger's " laughing "

Crystal : I know right

Jellybean : Y'all do know am sitting right here right

Both : laugh

* 5 minutes later

Crystal : All done baby

Jordan : Look at my girls " kisses crystal cheeks"

Jellybean : Dont i look pretty

Crystal : You look beautiful baby

Jordan : Okay baby let's go

Jellybean : Daddy can i get ice cream today I've been a good girl all week " puppy dog eyes "

Jordan : Sure baby you can get anything you want

Crystal : An you talking about she got me wrapped around her finger's  " laughing"

Jordan : How can i say no to that

Jellybean : Dont be hatting on my daddy now " laughing "

* They all got there things in the car an leave out they was heading to Jordan's family brunch that they keep every sunday after church....crystal couldn't make it to church this morning cause she was a little under the weather so they decided to skip church an just go to brunch

Crystal : Yeah i know y'all wondering who Jordan is so let me give y'all a little sum on my life for the pass five years

*****  After that night in the park with devale i was broken i didn't know which where to go or what to do , i wasn't mad that he sleep with khadeen because that's his wife an i almost sleep with david so in my book we was both wrong. ....i was mad because he didn't tell me an was ignoring me all day what broke me the most was when he said he wasn't sure about the baby ( he made it clear that khadeen baby wasn't his multiple times ) so it doesn't take a genius to figure out who's baby he was referring too i drove to a hotel , after two week i went home to david an told him everything about me an devale ,he wasn't even mad all he talked about was making things right with khadeen an his baby ( which kinda hurt a little ) ....i told him the baby i was having wasn't his then i asked for a divorce an he try to fight me but he lost since he is the reason i was in that position .....after a month of fighting me he decided to give me the divorce since it was clear that he was loosing .....during that time i didn't see ,talk nor spoke to devale .....after the divore i couldn't stay in Atlanta anymore it was too many memories ,so with the help of kj taking over for me while i figure things out i left for Washington DC with at 14weeks pregnant ( 3months two weeks ..... During to the stress i was under my baby girl came late but she was healthy ) I wanted to call devale but i didn't .....i met jordan after he deliver my baby girl ,but i told him i wasn't interested in a relationship an we agreed to be friends ,when jellybean turn two he asked me to be his girlfriend an i said yes, jellybean an him have a special bond ,he treats her as his own daughter ,he made sure i was comfortable with her calling him daddy .....after dating him for one year i met his parents an they are so cool they accepted my daughter as their grand child ...kj an i talked everynight about business but she always bring up deavle she told me he an khadeen stayed together after the drama for the baby sake ( which hurt me ) but after the baby was born they had a big argument because the baby was indeed David's child so they got a divorce .........But as much as i don't want to say this i miss Atlanta ( No i dont miss devale he has a fiance now ) But i need to get back to being a lawyer my company needs me .......But the question i ask my self everyday is


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