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Day two! After watching the finale yesterday (no spoilers!) this was a very welcome prompt. I hope you guys enjoy! -Colorado


Chat Noir hunched over the piece of paper he held in his hands. It was another night dedicated to patrolling and Ladybug was once again late. Not that he minded, of course, her tardiness allowed him to dedicate more time to his newest project.

His ears flickered as he heard the tell-tale sign of her arrival. He debated on shoving the paper into his pockets, but nothing on it was too revealing, and besides, Ladybug was so creative that maybe she could help!

"Good evening, Chat Noir." Ladybug came to sit beside him, eyeing the paper in his hands skeptically.

"Good evening, My Lady."

"Whatcha got there?"

"Ah, my newest project. I was actually hoping to get your help with it?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Ladybug's eyes lit up at the prospect of a new project.

"Absolutely! What's it about?" She scooted closer to him, reading the names on the paper.

"I came to the realization that the two of us have tons of nicknames for each other, but I don't have anything for my girlfriend." It wasn't the biggest deal when he and Marinette first got together, but they've been dating for months now! He couldn't help but feel a little guilty at the lack of pet names in their relationship.

"Oh! Now that I think about it, I don't think I've got any nicknames for my boyfriend either. Maybe this can help us both, kitty." Ladybug bumped her shoulder against his.

"Sure you do! 'The Other Boy' is a fine nickname." He only got a dirty look in response.

"I can't call him that! There's no way he'd get it without the context and that's a whole other can of worms I can't open." She crossed her arms, but Chat Noir knew she was fighting back a smile.

"It'd be funny, though." He gave her his signature cheshire grin and got a laugh in response.

"It would be until he starts freaking out at being The Other Boy and not just The Boy." Ladybug shot back. Chat Noir only shrugged in response. "So, what do you have so far?"

"Well, so far there's all the usual suspects. You know, babe, cutie pie, honey, darling, my love, but I'm Chat Noir! And she's amazing! I can do better and she deserves the best. The only original one I've thought of so far is sapphire."


"Yeah, her eyes are this beautiful blue." Chat Noir sighed, not caring how lovesick he sounded. "I love them with all my heart."

"I like sapphire."

"But that's only one name!" Chat Noir protested. "I've got like, fifty for you!"

Ladybug deadpanned. "You've got two not including other renditions of my name."

"Two is still more than one, bugaboo."

"Don't call me that." She tapped on his bell as he laughed. 

"But seriously! I want to call her more than just sapphire. Her eyes aren't quite that dark either they're like," Chat Noir turned his face towards the sky, deep in thought, "cerulean." He glanced over at Ladybug and found himself doing a double take. "Actually, yours are a lot like hers."

How had he never noticed that before?

"That's funny, my boyfriend's eyes are like yours too. That same emerald green, they're amazing." A goofy grin crossed her face, and not for the first time Chat Noir felt a mix of emotions rise up in him.

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